Active Users:148 Time:02/06/2024 10:30:30 AM
I know what Obama meant to say. If he said it to me I would want to punch him in his liberal mouth. Tom Send a noteboard - 02/09/2012 12:23:47 AM
The entire point of his statement was to diminish the contribution of entrepreneurs. Obama said, "You think you succeeded because you worked hard. Lots of people work hard. You think you succeeded because you are smart. Lots of people are smart." Of course, lots of people are NOT smart. The sad reality is that the majority of people are stupid, ignorant sheep that can be pushed to vote Democrat (if they're urban poor looking for a handout) or Republican (if they're rural poor afraid the government will regulate them).

But I digress. As I have said, the reason why entrepreneurs succeed is not because some fucking corrupt government officials build a bridge with sand-filled Mafia cement that lets people get to their business. It's because they combine a good idea with tons of hard work and are willing to bear the incredible RISK of being a small business owner.

As a small business owner, I believe that we deserve to enjoy the fruits of that labor, risk and intelligence. I don't want to hear that some fucking underperforming teacher is unhappy because the union benefits are being cut - I don't get those benefits or anything approaching it. Those public sector douchebags already get more benefits and security than I'll ever have. The reason why it makes sense for people to go out and start their own business, the reason that "government official" is not the most coveted position in this nation (as opposed to France, where it is), is because there is a reward for the risk.

So FUCK OBAMA, and fuck anyone else who can't understand that.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Does Not a "WE [Not I] BUILT THIS!" Banner Concede Warren and Obama Were Right? - 01/09/2012 02:45:52 PM 770 Views
It amazing how much the left doesn't get tis issue - 01/09/2012 02:55:44 PM 505 Views
It is amazing how well every sentence but your last covers the "We [not I] built this" view - 01/09/2012 03:29:27 PM 529 Views
let’s put it back in context - 01/09/2012 05:23:01 PM 611 Views
Politifact already did. - 01/09/2012 05:53:23 PM 699 Views
+1 - nicely said. The "built it" comment drives the left crazy, since they know..... - 01/09/2012 04:25:52 PM 428 Views
Nope, it drives us crazy because it's an out-of-context fragment quote - 01/09/2012 07:01:24 PM 419 Views
they all know what he said and context doesn't change it *NM* - 01/09/2012 07:11:01 PM 249 Views
...of course it does. - 01/09/2012 08:31:37 PM 463 Views
This is the kind of shit that makes me and my family not want to vote Republican. - 02/09/2012 12:01:01 AM 506 Views
Interesting response.... - 02/09/2012 12:07:01 AM 410 Views
They're both acting normal (for politicians) - 02/09/2012 12:12:31 AM 541 Views
I disagree; they both did something downright bizarre (again, for politicians; see link.) - 02/09/2012 12:20:32 AM 490 Views
Heh. - 02/09/2012 12:25:10 AM 521 Views
Yes the GOP really need to make more effort into trying to win Massachusetts - 02/09/2012 02:17:49 PM 485 Views
I don't like irrational hissyfits. - 02/09/2012 05:27:25 PM 561 Views
If don't like having hissyfits stasy on your med - 02/09/2012 09:26:50 PM 460 Views
Only if you want a Senate majority. - 02/09/2012 07:39:23 PM 642 Views
I know what Obama meant to say. If he said it to me I would want to punch him in his liberal mouth. - 02/09/2012 12:23:47 AM 532 Views
Eh, what he said sounded to me like the usual politicians thing - 02/09/2012 01:58:05 PM 398 Views
I don't think so - 02/09/2012 01:47:03 PM 433 Views

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