Active Users:204 Time:13/06/2024 12:46:11 PM
Hall has frozen over... you are correct. HyogaRott Send a noteboard - 02/09/2013 11:22:13 PM

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Now, I am not saying this situation is remotely like that one; Assad is not likely to Pearl Harbor us even if he wants to (though one could argue his dad did via Hezbollah in '83,) and we ARE likely to have plenty of time and warning before he gains that ability. The point is we live in a republic rather than democracy precisely because the majority is not always right (something the German electorate underscored differently shortly before 1940.) Just because the majority do/not want something does not mean the country should/not do it. American majorities have supported slavery, prohibition and more than a few ill-advised military campaigns. That did not make any of them moral or wise, and many things that were both did not suddenly cease to be either when public support vanished.

Unfortunately it takes leadership, to buck the popular opinion; and there has been VERY little of that in evidence from anyone in Washington for a very long time.

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So... a limited strike on Syria ? - 29/08/2013 04:31:07 PM 1051 Views
I would have supported action over a year ago, but not now. - 29/08/2013 05:29:52 PM 540 Views
Rand Paul is a Leftist now? - 30/08/2013 01:13:17 AM 671 Views
Killing people to not look bad! What a guy! - 29/08/2013 05:44:59 PM 611 Views
Re: So... a limited strike on Syria ? - 29/08/2013 10:43:15 PM 600 Views
I think you're wrong. - 30/08/2013 04:44:53 AM 577 Views
I think the real question is "Just how crazy is Iran?" - 30/08/2013 01:48:49 PM 671 Views
You misunderstood me - 30/08/2013 07:13:41 PM 535 Views
I don't think the Iranians are stupid enough to strike - 01/09/2013 03:04:24 AM 498 Views
I don't really care - 30/08/2013 10:35:55 AM 569 Views
I am not a fan of symbolic bombing - 30/08/2013 12:52:01 PM 576 Views
Looks like the buck inexplicably stops at Congress - 31/08/2013 11:23:20 PM 535 Views
Nice theory, to bad it is crap - 01/09/2013 06:23:31 PM 510 Views
Again, Rand Paul is loony left now? - 01/09/2013 10:15:17 PM 714 Views
Again you seem to have read most the words but completely missed the point - 02/09/2013 06:48:26 PM 655 Views
Fox and Joe Lieberman=/=MSNBC either. - 02/09/2013 10:21:16 PM 653 Views
Yeah, I don't like any of it. - 01/09/2013 12:40:35 AM 540 Views
Glad to hear you think he should more like Bush and asked congrees first - 01/09/2013 06:27:03 PM 478 Views
How about no strike per the American people? Period. Fucking idiots in Washington. - 01/09/2013 05:01:13 AM 569 Views
To be fair, that was what the American people said in 1940 - 02/09/2013 05:19:46 AM 522 Views
Hall has frozen over... you are correct. - 02/09/2013 11:22:13 PM 566 Views
Well, glad we can agree on something. - 03/09/2013 02:00:21 AM 529 Views
That comparison is not valid. - 05/09/2013 09:25:38 PM 541 Views
I have to say, I am opposed to a strike against Assad. - 05/09/2013 10:46:04 AM 527 Views

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