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Re: Considering the WPRs ... talking points. (had to snip it due to length) HyogaRott Send a noteboard - 03/09/2013 05:49:08 PM

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Geez, it is like the annual budget talks: "We are not satisfied with 90% of our demands: We insist on ALL of them in exchange for NOTHING; why are you so incapable of compromise?!!!" The Yasser Arafat School of Diplomacy.

Yes, Obama is vaccilating and passing the buck; pretty sure I already said that, point blank. That does not make Congressional Republicans any less transparently hypocritical when they blast him for doing they very thing they just spent months threatening to impeach him if he did NOT do.

Allow me to summarize about six months of US debate on whether to bomb Syria:

Obama: I do not have the balls to decide whether to do it or not.

Republicans: No problem; whichever you choose, it still proves you a bastard.

If that is not good enough because it does not blame Obama for everything and Republicans for nothing, we are at an impasse.

Talking points
"What the presient is getting criticized for now and always is being a Democrat. While I agree all presidents have constitutional authority as commander-in-chief to order combat without Congressional consent, Republicans calling for impeachment if any Democrat (and only a Democrat) does so disagree."

Because it is not true.

Clinton was impeached for the felony crime of perjury, not for any of the hundred or so military missions that he legally ordered. He was criticized for several of them (bombing an aspirin factory, which inspired the movie Wag the Dog is an example). Or for how he had the military missions prosecuted, Kosovo, Somalia & Yugoslavia (why can't we just stay out of other people's civil wars) among them; especially when he chose to subordinate US Military men to UN commanders and (and their INCREDIBLY stupid ROEs).

You have not once seen me speak out in favor of impeaching Obama, and you won't until he has actually committed a criminal act. Leaving people to hang like he did in Libya is not criminal, just cowardly. Maybe he committed something criminal in the aftermath to cover up his moral cowardice (isn't that how it usually works? The cover-up is worse than the offense), but if so we have not seen it yet. Same for the actions at the IRS (lots of smoke, but still no fire, even with what has been reported about his brother). Even Fast & Furious was not criminal (though the lies afterwards might have been), just stupid. That statement describes most of Obama's scandals. There have been a few fools in Congress that have openly mentioned the possibility, IF evidence is found of criminal acts, but none have actually called for it, except for media personalities and morons, just like with the "Arrest Bush and Cheney for war crimes" morons on the left.

"Syria is the latest variation on a tired theme: First Obama should be impeached because he will not act, then because he will and now because seeking the very congressional approval the GOP demanded he seek. Seriously, wtf do they want from him? Even doing just as they command earns only continual public denunciation."

Nope. Nobody, that I recall, called for his impeachment for not acting, Concern was voiced that he was going to ignore the war Powers resolution (Like he did with Libya) and not consult with Congress prior to beginning non-urgent offensive military actions. However, he could not be impeached for it, and everyone with 1/5th a brain knows it. The War Powers resolution is not enforceable, and exists as pure PR.

I think that the President should seek a declaration of war from Congress before imitating non-defensive military action (I see attacking them before they can attack me, if I know they are likely to do so, as defensive though). Examples of actions that i think should have required an actual Declaration of War would be Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada, Gulf 1 & 2, Somalia, Kosovo, Libya, etc. Basically every one of the BS we have used a our military on since WW2 (which was our last declared war). If the President had to go before the Congress and get a declaration, he might not flex those military muscles so often, and if Congress had to surrender as much authority to the Executive branch as it does in a time of declared war, they might just quit playing politics, and try to end the fucker instead. HOWEVER, the Constitution gives him the authority to attack ANYONE (except the US people not in active rebellion)he choses for whatever reason (even if it is just that his morning coffe is cold so he wanted more fresh beans from Columbia).

As for your continued complaint about how Congress won't let Obama do whatever he wants to do, again I can only say GOOD. That is exactly why I voted for my Congressman. I completely disagree with virtually every single policy decision this administration has made. Compared to him I think Carter was an 'effin GENIUS, Ford was Machiavelli, hell, even Millard Filmore would have been preferable to this clown. I used to be able to at least say he could give a good speech but lately he hasn't even been able to do that. He is a complete incompetent, surrounded by morons & crooks, and that is my "generous" opinion of him. I WANT him blocked by the House, that is why I voted for the representative I did, he promised to do just that. If he ever stops blocking Obama's agenda, I will vote for someone who will block it. I want the house to prevent every single stupid thing he tries to do, until he stops doing stupid things; so far he has not done so.

Clear enough?

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So... a limited strike on Syria ? - 29/08/2013 04:31:07 PM 1037 Views
I would have supported action over a year ago, but not now. - 29/08/2013 05:29:52 PM 530 Views
Rand Paul is a Leftist now? - 30/08/2013 01:13:17 AM 663 Views
Killing people to not look bad! What a guy! - 29/08/2013 05:44:59 PM 598 Views
Re: So... a limited strike on Syria ? - 29/08/2013 10:43:15 PM 590 Views
I think you're wrong. - 30/08/2013 04:44:53 AM 567 Views
I think the real question is "Just how crazy is Iran?" - 30/08/2013 01:48:49 PM 664 Views
You misunderstood me - 30/08/2013 07:13:41 PM 523 Views
I don't think the Iranians are stupid enough to strike - 01/09/2013 03:04:24 AM 487 Views
I don't really care - 30/08/2013 10:35:55 AM 562 Views
I am not a fan of symbolic bombing - 30/08/2013 12:52:01 PM 566 Views
Looks like the buck inexplicably stops at Congress - 31/08/2013 11:23:20 PM 525 Views
Nice theory, to bad it is crap - 01/09/2013 06:23:31 PM 502 Views
Again, Rand Paul is loony left now? - 01/09/2013 10:15:17 PM 705 Views
Again you seem to have read most the words but completely missed the point - 02/09/2013 06:48:26 PM 643 Views
Rand Paul=/=MSNBC - 02/09/2013 09:30:50 PM 507 Views
No... not quite. Youre really are quite skilled at missing the point aren't you? - 02/09/2013 11:20:02 PM 545 Views
Oh, no, I got the point. - 03/09/2013 01:48:01 AM 552 Views
The only "point" you have is the talking points, and you hit them all, facts be damned. *NM* - 03/09/2013 02:56:06 AM 220 Views
Considering the WPRs constitutionality and agreeing Obama is being cowardly are not talking points. - 03/09/2013 03:52:44 AM 647 Views
Re: Considering the WPRs ... talking points. (had to snip it due to length) - 03/09/2013 05:49:08 PM 573 Views
Fox and Joe Lieberman=/=MSNBC either. - 02/09/2013 10:21:16 PM 643 Views
Yeah, I don't like any of it. - 01/09/2013 12:40:35 AM 530 Views
Glad to hear you think he should more like Bush and asked congrees first - 01/09/2013 06:27:03 PM 468 Views
How about no strike per the American people? Period. Fucking idiots in Washington. - 01/09/2013 05:01:13 AM 559 Views
To be fair, that was what the American people said in 1940 - 02/09/2013 05:19:46 AM 512 Views
Hall has frozen over... you are correct. - 02/09/2013 11:22:13 PM 555 Views
Well, glad we can agree on something. - 03/09/2013 02:00:21 AM 518 Views
That comparison is not valid. - 05/09/2013 09:25:38 PM 531 Views
I have to say, I am opposed to a strike against Assad. - 05/09/2013 10:46:04 AM 516 Views

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