Active Users:200 Time:19/05/2024 12:29:51 AM
The GOP House already voted to give them back pay - Edit 2

Before modification by Isaac at 10/10/2013 01:24:48 AM

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View original postonce again, because i'm sure you missed it twice now: because of the government shutdown my company is missing out on money we are owed for the work we are doing because the people who give us our payments are furloughed.

View original postSo the 'big picture' is that you blame the republicans and republicans alone, to the point of calling them terrorists, because your paycheck has been delayed for some reason. Okay. Keeping in mind that I have no idea what the hell you do for them nor have anyway to verify the validity of that remark that pretty much ends my interest as you have squandered your credibility with me.

View original postStopped reading when I saw the teahadist remark. Nothing after that point could possibly matter.

View original posti won't go into yet again how hostage taking = terrorism since we've beaten that horse into the ground. i am only making the point on why you object to my tone. it's personal because your people made it personal by shutting down my livelihood, and the livelihoods of millions of others too.

Ah, personal, okay... my tax bill is pretty personal too. Since you've calmed down, explain how this is any different then the Dem Walkout in Wisconsin a while back? Which doesn't involve whether or not a public employee or contractor got a delayed paycheck or not.

Also, Advice: Get a nerfbat and take your personal private anger out on inanimate objects not other people who don't appreciate being screamed at because you want to vent.

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