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I appreciate your effort to breathe life back into the board, really, I do... Legolas Send a noteboard - 30/11/2013 08:04:07 PM

View original postOr that he took the time to justify his record to the said 5th-grader? He continues to look smaller and smaller all of the time.

but not only is this a complete non-story, it's also you not even bothering to read your own link. As in, as far as I can tell you haven't read it at all, not merely missed some detail.

It says several times that the author of the letter was a 5th grade teacher - from the sentences they quote, it sure would take an extremely precocious 5th grader to write a letter like that (or, you know, parents who ghostwrite the whole thing). Moreover, they also seem to state, though it would've been clearer with the original letter as well as the reply, that Ritter brought up the word "tea-bagger" himself, albeit presumably only to complain about it. So okay, the diplomatic option would've been to use a more neutral term (though really, what is the official term? Tea Party activist?) when responding to that charge. But if you're going to nitpick every single less-than-ideal phrasing in every handwritten letter from the president, well, good luck with that. I guess everyone needs a hobby.

And as for him taking the time to reply, well, I'm inclined to agree that based on the excerpts and summaries made of the original letter in your article, there was really very little point in replying as Mr. Ritter seems to be, shall we say, rather fixed in his notion that he's being persecuted for his beliefs; Obama denying that hardly changes it one way or the other. That probably wasn't actually what you meant, though.

Edit: Just for fun I had a glance at the comments section of that article. Now I thought myself fairly inured to the stupidity of comments sections on the internet, and was hardly expecting much balance, but I have to say, they did still surprise me by being even worse than my exceedingly low expectations - not so much the comments themselves, as the ratings given to the comments, indicating that the more idiotic a comment, the more approval it apparently gets. The obligatory Nazi reference which also mentioned the "Alinsky extermination model" (what Alinsky has to do with extermination, who knows, but it certainly sounds scary) received 614 "up" and exactly 2 "down" votes - that's just plain disturbing even by political blog standards.

This message last edited by Legolas on 30/11/2013 at 08:21:46 PM
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What's more sad - Obama using a sexual reference in a hand-written letter to a 5th-grader..... - 30/11/2013 07:13:47 PM 736 Views
I appreciate your effort to breathe life back into the board, really, I do... - 30/11/2013 08:04:07 PM 435 Views
(Pst. 5th grade teacher, not a 5th grader.) - 01/12/2013 05:59:54 AM 587 Views
It isn't offensive, just whiny - 01/12/2013 08:38:13 AM 480 Views
Well this is embarrassing for you *NM* - 27/12/2013 05:56:46 PM 179 Views

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