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The Middle East Is A Strange Place MrFarstrider Send a noteboard - 03/08/2014 09:30:17 PM

I often feel like the Middle East is a victim of poorly drawn post-colonial borders. One nation will back another nation at one point and then at another point back another nation. The cultural diversity that exists within these countries is often forgotten. A country like Iraq not only has a Sunni vs Shia thing going on but also a Persian vs Arab conflict to contend with. And then throw the Kurds in there on top of it all. Lebanon has Alawis, Christians, Sunnis, Shia, Arabs, Syrians, etc.

Given all the diversity, it can be difficult for foreigners to keep up with all that is happening and who is who in the zoo. We rely on 30 second sound bites from CNN/BBC to get our propaganda on who the good guys and the bad guys are today.

The post-colonial borders just seem to indiscriminately cut across so many cultural groups that it is no wonder that the allegiances in the Middle East are constantly in flux. And then you throw in Western proxy manipulation on top of that and its a giant mess.

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The new normal in the Middle East: Israel + Moderate Nations vs. Terrorists and their supporters - 02/08/2014 07:23:03 PM 857 Views
Your Summary Is Entirely Incorrect - 03/08/2014 02:35:45 AM 583 Views
Go Israel Go! All Hamas has to do is stop firing missles into Israel. - 03/08/2014 04:07:24 AM 521 Views
You may want to ask yourself when and why they started. *NM* - 03/08/2014 06:30:12 PM 244 Views
obviously it was four weeks ago under no provocation whatsoever - 04/08/2014 08:38:24 PM 542 Views
I think firing a missile at a school puts Israel at fault. - 03/08/2014 07:00:49 PM 587 Views
Nope, you attack your enemy wherever they are. - 03/08/2014 07:16:45 PM 482 Views
Nop, revisit missile firing 101 - 03/08/2014 07:25:59 PM 619 Views
You've Got This Spot On - 03/08/2014 09:14:59 PM 525 Views
Sorry, you are wrong. - 04/08/2014 04:41:11 PM 488 Views
Actually, the Geneva convention agrees with me. *NM* - 04/08/2014 11:38:17 PM 277 Views
and all israel has to do is stop killing women and children indiscriminately - 04/08/2014 08:31:45 PM 480 Views
moondog = moron - 05/08/2014 07:23:05 PM 502 Views
glad to have you on record supporting the slaughter of innocents - 06/08/2014 08:28:58 PM 557 Views
Israel has no choice about this. - 07/08/2014 11:06:14 PM 564 Views
Have to give Hamas credit for that - 03/08/2014 10:34:10 AM 672 Views
Well - 03/08/2014 11:48:25 AM 667 Views
Don't forget you are being lied to by the media - 07/08/2014 10:48:25 PM 521 Views
Yep. - 03/08/2014 10:24:29 AM 517 Views
Yes, Egypt is shutting its doors to Gaza and soon Hamas will be completed trapped - 03/08/2014 07:10:51 PM 544 Views
That Means They're Going To Get More Extreme - 03/08/2014 09:07:03 PM 569 Views
Israel is winning the battle and winning the war..... - 04/08/2014 04:38:50 PM 503 Views
as said by many observers: you can't kill a concept - 04/08/2014 08:33:43 PM 556 Views
Most of that article is pretty good really. - 03/08/2014 06:56:15 PM 568 Views
The Middle East Is A Strange Place - 03/08/2014 09:30:17 PM 615 Views
I agree on the "moderate" part. - 04/08/2014 10:27:15 PM 526 Views

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