Active Users:180 Time:01/06/2024 01:54:50 PM
Um, because without it, there wouldn't BE an America, and you'd be speaking German. You're welcome. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 28/08/2014 09:59:18 PM

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How Americans do not see that their relationship with guns is an unhealthy one is the scariest part of it all.

Seriously, look up the battles of Lexington & Concord.

Regarding this incident, guns are dangerous, which is the whole point. Shit is going to happen. The difference is that in this case, it was, for once, not the child getting killed. If anything, this is incident proves that strictly regulating their use to professionally trained or certified users, as in the case of motor vehicles is not necessarily the answer to gun violence.

How the name of the facility is supposed to indicate anything one way or another about firearms or the mentality regarding them, is beyond me. Serving food is a good way to bring in business and set one range apart from its competition.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Failing to learn the lessons of Call of Duty - 9 year olds can't aim automatic weapons very well - 27/08/2014 04:34:37 PM 738 Views
I don't know why you brought up video games... - 27/08/2014 08:02:33 PM 503 Views
I can't help but feel this post shouldn't be necessary... - 27/08/2014 08:43:33 PM 560 Views
Re: I can't help but feel this post shouldn't be necessary... - 28/08/2014 05:22:05 PM 532 Views
I'm all for children being taught how to use guns safely - 27/08/2014 10:38:03 PM 487 Views
The fact that there are places called "Bullets and Burger" already makes my stomach turn - 28/08/2014 01:18:23 PM 471 Views
Um, because without it, there wouldn't BE an America, and you'd be speaking German. You're welcome. - 28/08/2014 09:59:18 PM 482 Views
That's just perfect - 28/08/2014 10:12:20 PM 584 Views
I was rather proud of it, thank you. - 29/08/2014 01:20:21 AM 521 Views
Why? - 30/08/2014 07:39:09 AM 491 Views

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