Active Users:313 Time:02/05/2024 01:07:34 PM
The problem is Trump is the vision behind the Trump campaign *NM* random thoughts Send a noteboard - 01/07/2016 04:12:44 PM

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View original postI know you're dealing with your own issues (Brexit), but I was wondering if the upcoming presidential election in the United States is receiving any attention.

View original postTake your average American newspaper, and look at the amount of news on all foreign countries put together. Then double that. That'll give you an idea of how much attention European newspapers devote to the American presidential election - just about every single day. I may be exaggerating, but not by much.

View original postAlso, I like how you suggest Britain is not part of Europe...

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View original postWhat do you think of our two candidates (Clinton and Trump)?

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View original postIs there a consensus in your country as to who would make a better president?

View original postUh. Yes. Keep in mind that most people abroad are either unaware or just uninterested about the things that a large group of Americans dislikes or downright hates about Hillary - whereas Trump's failings are impossible to miss, and seeing how he goes out of his way to insult other countries every chance he gets, foreigners are even less likely than Americans to forgive them.

View original postMuch like with Brexit, a vote for Trump is, in essence, a vote for 'I don't know what I want but I know it ain't this' - nobody knows what casting such a vote will actually do since there is no plan or strategy or vision behind either Trump's campaign or the Brexit's, but the people doing so are so fed up with the current establishment that they are willing to take that risk. Or they've deluded themselves into thinking that their personal interpretation of the campaign is the correct one, and all the people who view something entirely different in it are wrong. I suppose some of them will be proven right in the end, but most won't.

View original postHe says it simply: The US needs a southern border. The Dems don't mind because they think Mexicans will vote Democrat. At least as long as they view themselves as a minority, btw.

View original postI recall meeting a very pretty Turkish gender studies or political science student in Tel Aviv doing her "Palestine" tour and she seemed baffled why her fellow countrymen vote hard left when in Germany but then vote hard right in Turkey.

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A couple questions for those of you living in Europe, Britian, anywhere but the U.S. - 28/06/2016 04:21:50 AM 797 Views
It was. We're busy squacking at each other, currently. - 28/06/2016 01:39:04 PM 544 Views
Let's put it this way... - 28/06/2016 07:02:14 PM 576 Views
How can you say there is no vision behind Trump's campaign ? - 29/06/2016 09:44:37 AM 524 Views
The problem is Trump is the vision behind the Trump campaign *NM* - 01/07/2016 04:12:44 PM 262 Views
You have a power hungry right wing maniac - 05/07/2016 12:15:48 AM 591 Views
Thank you all for posting. Enlightening stuff. *NM* - 14/07/2016 07:26:29 AM 255 Views

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