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Was the UK civil wars of the 17th century really that great in comparison to the French chaos of the Roland00 Send a noteboard - 23/07/2016 11:24:21 AM

Was the UK civil wars of the 17th century really that great in comparison to the French chaos of the 18th century?

I ask for both of them were bloody and fought over silly things and went way too far. For example Ireland lost over 40% of its population due to the various conflicts over a period of two decades.

Note I am not picking sides and saying one side was great and one side was complete assholes. Nor am I saying the french situation is better than the UK situation or vice versa.

But what they did do was start the process of the UK having its modern parliamentary system, and the French their own form of representative goverment / democracy in the long run.


Do note I do not claim to be an expert of this era compared to some people. Legolas and you probably know far more about the history of this era than me.

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We need stricter truck control laws! - 15/07/2016 04:31:07 PM 886 Views
secretly everyone here loves moondog *NM* - 15/07/2016 11:09:32 PM 309 Views
i always suspected as much *NM* - 19/07/2016 09:11:26 PM 278 Views
Gives you a scooby snack - 23/07/2016 11:10:38 AM 463 Views
No no no! - 18/07/2016 10:07:46 PM 593 Views
BEST. BASTILLE DAY. EVER! - 18/07/2016 11:12:22 PM 612 Views
Have you ever read the lyrics to the French national anthem? - 18/07/2016 11:27:49 PM 561 Views
Yeah - 20/07/2016 12:42:21 AM 482 Views
The French Revolution was one of the greatest catastrophes in history - 21/07/2016 03:22:28 PM 492 Views
You know, I've been reading this book on Talleyrand... - 22/07/2016 12:03:34 AM 487 Views
Re: You know, I've been reading this book on Talleyrand... - 23/07/2016 03:54:25 AM 626 Views
Wow. You really do live in an alternate universe - but in this case maybe one many Americans share. - 23/07/2016 10:40:27 AM 547 Views
The American revolution did virtually all of that first and without the Reign of Terror. *NM* - 25/07/2016 06:40:09 PM 421 Views
Yes, because the Americans rebelled against someone four thousand miles away. - 25/07/2016 07:00:20 PM 459 Views
Distance was an issue but who lead them was a major factor as well - 26/07/2016 05:41:13 PM 523 Views
I call that accidents of history - 27/07/2016 02:51:45 AM 672 Views
oh come on - 27/07/2016 06:57:40 PM 501 Views
Sure, I can basically agree with all of that. *NM* - 27/07/2016 11:20:58 PM 280 Views
Was the UK civil wars of the 17th century really that great in comparison to the French chaos of the - 23/07/2016 11:24:21 AM 496 Views
Hah! Good point, you got me. *NM* - 19/07/2016 04:09:35 PM 252 Views

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