Active Users:190 Time:18/05/2024 10:31:38 PM
Don't get it twisted around.... Jeordam Send a noteboard - 19/10/2016 11:08:38 PM

Her goal isn't public service. Her goal is her ambition. You can see it more often then anything else. Her "fortress" mentality is to hide things that she knows are her weak points. And I'm not talking about the standard political stuff. We're looking at face-value stuff here.

Her goal is the history books. Look at her acceptance speech of the nomination. It was all about "woman" this or that. Let's also remember that if it wasn't for her last name, she would be a non factor. She isn't there because of her accomplishments. She is there because of her husband's accomplishments. She is there because there is the hope in Democtratic circles that it will be the (Bill) Clinton years all over again. Which if we take off the rose colored glasses for a moment, weren't that good. Don't ask, Don't tell....her husbands. Something she supported. Now she doesn't....

If the Republican's (read: media's incessant coverage of) offering of Trump wasn't so catastrophically bad, we wouldn't be where we are now. Let's all remember that the last time going around, she was soundly beaten by a first year, junior senator...

This time all she had to do was beat out a little old man from a backwater state who was half a step away from being full-blown socialist (despite the fact he likes big houses and private jets).

America made it's bed...and it will sleep in it now. Either way, unless Congress completely deadlocks on everything...the future will be quite different from the last 8 years...and not in the good way.


ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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My secret ----- at least to most on this board! - 18/10/2016 04:27:57 AM 1026 Views
I am more sick of this election than I have been of any election in my life - 18/10/2016 03:46:48 PM 526 Views
Offers you an antacid, I can sympathize *NM* - 19/10/2016 12:33:05 AM 311 Views
I don't know about everyone, but personally, I do support Clinton for herself. It's just that... - 18/10/2016 06:31:46 PM 669 Views
Hillary Clinton's viewpoints - 18/10/2016 09:10:40 PM 794 Views
Re: Hillary Clinton's viewpoints - 18/10/2016 11:19:31 PM 648 Views
Back it up dude... - 19/10/2016 11:00:27 PM 583 Views
you said "as deeply [flawed] as Trump" - 20/10/2016 10:05:04 PM 655 Views
Trump & H.Clinton are equally reprehensible - 26/10/2016 10:32:58 PM 801 Views
We'll have to agree to disagree on the viewpoints. - 19/10/2016 05:41:39 PM 754 Views
Don't get it twisted around.... - 19/10/2016 11:08:38 PM 631 Views
Re: Don't get it twisted around.... - 23/10/2016 04:24:19 PM 678 Views
Oh, I didn't suggest that..... - 25/10/2016 09:29:48 PM 714 Views
At what has she demonstrated competence? - 23/10/2016 01:09:22 AM 863 Views
Most obviously as Secretary of State, of course. - 23/10/2016 04:10:15 PM 635 Views
And what did she do as Secretary of State? (other than delete emails after storing them unsafely) - 25/10/2016 05:16:35 AM 977 Views
She did her job. I'm not saying exceptionally well, but competently. - 25/10/2016 06:18:57 PM 725 Views
Different perspective - 26/10/2016 07:01:20 AM 708 Views
I will give you the bin Laden one - 27/10/2016 06:17:28 PM 684 Views
What kind of deal do you figure is possible on North Korea? - 28/10/2016 10:48:32 PM 642 Views
As knowledgeable as you are at American politics I don't think many foreigners understand Hillary - 24/10/2016 06:16:16 PM 625 Views
Agreed - we're really missing something there. - 24/10/2016 08:28:51 PM 595 Views
Look how many people thy were associated with were convicted - 26/10/2016 05:30:08 PM 661 Views
How really he soon the primary is misleading - 24/10/2016 06:12:34 PM 616 Views
Well, yeah, divide and conquer. But still. - 24/10/2016 10:32:47 PM 595 Views
Do you own Persian Longhair Cat that you stroke while scheming? *NM* - 23/10/2016 06:41:16 PM 368 Views
Yes, yes I do. - 28/10/2016 04:51:15 AM 528 Views
Neat! *NM* - 24/10/2016 08:18:55 PM 367 Views

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