Active Users:174 Time:18/05/2024 09:42:25 PM
no, not with the country about to be run by the kkk and aryan nation moondog Send a noteboard - 11/11/2016 12:48:07 AM

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Let's calm down with the divisive speech already....we have a President Elect who's essentially got a handle on that already.

Let's keep things in perspective, shall we? Trump has the White House (government housing!), however he's ruffled plenty of feathers on the way. Although the Republicans hold both chambers of's not overwhelming to the point that the Democrats are going to be rolled over.

Much like any other person in office before him, he said much to get there, and will deliver little once there.

Keep in mind something specific and personal here. I'm Mexican. I have relatives with living memory of intense racism against Mexicans. I live not 30 minutes from the border inside of essentially an "Inclusion" zone. Do you know that if I take one of the only two freeways north, that there's a "Checkpoint" that we all have to pass through?...and they can pull you over based on just what you look like! This is common for us. And guess what, I voted for a man who specifically called out my race. And want's to build a stupid (and ultimately useless) wall. Why? Because I couldn't trust H. Clinton. Period. End of Story.

It certainly doesn't help that her party stands with some very abhorrent beliefs....

Ultimately, calm down. America is stronger with you here as a voice of caution and opposing view. This election cycle has been awful and spiteful, but now we pull together. We scuffle with each other, maybe a bloody nose or two, but this isn't Civil War. We did that already, and it cost too much.


i'm sorry to hear about your voting for a man who denigrates your entire family and their history. obviously political affiliations trump (pun intended) love of country, and put in power a man who has re-legitimized white supremacy. we've got a president who thinks walking into a dressing room full of half-dressed teenage girls is no big deal, filling his upcoming Cabinet with known anti-Semites and racists, but somehow Hillary would have been worse because she might have sent a couple emails maybe? i realize the right wing has had a hard on for destroying the Clintons for 25 years now, but they're really not much different than any other political family when you look at it objectively. change a couple details and you could be looking at the bushes or the kennedys.

i hope you don't encounter the racism from the checkpoint folks, because we all know they're just doing their jobs, but you voted for white supremacy, and we're all going to have to deal with it for at least the next generation AGAIN because of it. there are already people taking liberties to harass and intimidate minorities (as linked previously), what makes you think they are going to just "calm down" now that trump has told them their views belong in the national discourse again?

"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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2016 election: i expect a lot of folks here have stocked up on brown and black shirts - 09/11/2016 08:54:04 PM 904 Views
Sore looser much? - 09/11/2016 09:24:55 PM 591 Views
no, not with the country about to be run by the kkk and aryan nation - 11/11/2016 12:48:07 AM 649 Views
I'll just leave this link here... - 10/11/2016 04:16:26 AM 565 Views
yes you should leave the country with Al Sharpton just to be safe. *NM* - 10/11/2016 03:13:18 PM 243 Views
does your wife know you have an unhealthy obsession with Al Sharpton? - 11/11/2016 12:49:32 AM 544 Views
Does yours know you are clinically insane? *NM* - 11/11/2016 12:15:16 PM 237 Views
I think you should learn some German history. - 11/11/2016 12:50:53 AM 564 Views
What do you think of Evans' Third Reich Trilogy? I've been reading through book one and liking it. - 11/11/2016 07:13:38 AM 572 Views
It's really good. - 14/11/2016 01:56:04 PM 525 Views
Good to hear I'm not wasting my time. - 19/11/2016 06:24:19 PM 498 Views

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