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Question...who is A2K? *NM* Danu Send a noteboard - 28/02/2017 10:53:46 PM

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A week ago I had very little desire but every intention of closing down RAFO. Since then I have received an unsolicited but welcome offer to cover the bulk of the hosting charges over the next year.

I admit to being torn. On one hand, this site, the community, and its links to a gloriously Wotmaniac past are something I hold dear and have no wish to see consigned to the great 404 page in the sky. On the other hand, I've been covering the hosting charges myself for the past 3-4 years and can't really afford to continue doing so. And I certainly don't have the time to spend nurturing the site into the thriving forum I once dreamt it could be.

I have already received statements of support in the form of several premium accounts being purchased, and it's gratifying to see people put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.

So here's your chance to have a say. Has RAFO had its day, and should it be put our to pasture? Or is there life in the old dog yet?

I should be clear - if I do decide to shut the site down now, as opposed to a years time, anyone who has so far purchased a premium account will be as fully refunded as paypal allows me to do so without incurring charges.

OCWIATJ Forever!
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The End Has... Been Postponed? - 27/02/2017 08:45:25 PM 11798 Views
I will buy a premium today if that counts as a yes *NM* - 27/02/2017 08:52:45 PM 1240 Views
I really want another year, and greatly appreciate A2K's initiative and stepping-up-ness *NM* - 27/02/2017 09:14:47 PM 1173 Views
Seconded on A2K! *NM* - 27/02/2017 11:42:24 PM 1252 Views
I won't be able to always have a premie, but I can be here - 27/02/2017 09:19:19 PM 2229 Views
Same here *NM* - 02/03/2017 12:36:32 PM 1219 Views
I'm an old dog, I still have life. - 27/02/2017 09:28:43 PM 2156 Views
I'd love it to stay opened, I'll even stop lurking *NM* - 27/02/2017 10:11:15 PM 1308 Views
Hell yeah from me ----- - 27/02/2017 10:43:51 PM 2236 Views
I say we give it a go.... - 27/02/2017 11:48:22 PM 2106 Views
Let's give the ol' gal another year. - 28/02/2017 12:01:00 AM 2082 Views
There's life. - 28/02/2017 01:51:48 AM 2075 Views
Seems simple to me - give us a number and if we reach it, RAFO LIVES ON for another year - 28/02/2017 02:43:05 PM 2421 Views
Hmm, dunno... last thing I got from the wotmania/RAFO community swelled up & shot out ANOTHER thing - 28/02/2017 03:35:12 PM 2112 Views
- 28/02/2017 03:38:46 PM 2055 Views
Re: - 28/02/2017 06:14:40 PM 2083 Views
The baby grows are really cute. *NM* - 06/03/2017 09:09:47 PM 1302 Views
I came today to say a very sad goodbye. - 28/02/2017 04:29:47 PM 2175 Views
Yeah, I can probably drop a premium subscription. *NM* - 28/02/2017 04:37:46 PM 1211 Views
More RAFO please *NM* - 28/02/2017 06:10:22 PM 1334 Views
Hey Stephen - 28/02/2017 10:55:48 PM 2252 Views
Yeah but I'm not super active there. - 01/03/2017 07:41:23 PM 2210 Views
Question...who is A2K? *NM* - 28/02/2017 10:53:46 PM 1203 Views
Anonymous2000 *NM* - 28/02/2017 10:55:01 PM 1280 Views
Well hello there. - 28/02/2017 11:00:26 PM 2233 Views
I'll buy a premium! And I'll donate get a chat! *NM* - 28/02/2017 11:47:29 PM 1173 Views
MAKE RAFO GREAT AGAIN! *NM* - 01/03/2017 02:27:46 AM 1229 Views
*peeks in* *NM* - 01/03/2017 04:08:53 AM 1256 Views
I'm in! *NM* - 01/03/2017 07:43:35 AM 1241 Views
Re: The End Has... Been Postponed? - 01/03/2017 10:15:39 AM 2178 Views
Nailed it in one. - 01/03/2017 02:37:42 PM 2241 Views
Re: Nailed it in one. - 03/03/2017 11:49:32 AM 2108 Views
Not exactly a parallel - 03/03/2017 02:29:10 PM 2112 Views
Re: Not exactly a parallel - 04/03/2017 02:10:00 PM 2206 Views
All I heard was... - 21/03/2017 06:17:24 PM 2205 Views
Dude..... - 01/03/2017 11:38:07 PM 2166 Views
I'm in! *NM* - 02/03/2017 01:22:12 AM 1204 Views
Premie me baby! *NM* - 02/03/2017 01:50:54 AM 1182 Views
I'm glad the site has one more chance. - 02/03/2017 12:05:48 PM 2340 Views
Let's keep this old dog running! Just renewed my premium account! *NM* - 06/03/2017 09:28:23 PM 1253 Views
Came here earlier today thinking the place might have been gone. - 19/03/2017 02:37:51 PM 2178 Views
Awesome! And please come back and post regularly. *NM* - 19/03/2017 08:13:38 PM 1192 Views

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