Active Users:163 Time:14/06/2024 08:37:36 PM
Yeah, you'd think. *NM* Avendesora Send a noteboard - 14/01/2010 01:02:23 AM

I believe all news and research that supports my opinion, and dismiss the rest as conspiracy and lies.
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Which Founding Father are You? - QUIZ - 13/01/2010 04:20:02 PM 567 Views
James Madison *NM* - 13/01/2010 04:26:34 PM 88 Views
William Paterson - Stern, Moralistic, and diligent.... HAHAHAHHAHAH *NM* - 13/01/2010 05:03:25 PM 79 Views
Moralistic!? - 13/01/2010 05:12:11 PM 192 Views
Totally honest! - 13/01/2010 05:21:52 PM 217 Views
James Madison. Well, why not? *NM* - 13/01/2010 05:13:26 PM 104 Views
Madison *NM* - 13/01/2010 05:14:11 PM 83 Views
James Madison - 13/01/2010 05:15:36 PM 211 Views
George Mason, Principled, Provincial, and Libertarian - 13/01/2010 05:29:20 PM 239 Views
Me, too. *NM* - 13/01/2010 06:29:14 PM 85 Views
James Madison *NM* - 13/01/2010 05:55:21 PM 83 Views
Madison *NM* - 13/01/2010 06:13:27 PM 80 Views
James Madison - 13/01/2010 06:22:43 PM 200 Views
Sherman - steady, rational, conciliatory (never heard) *NM* - 13/01/2010 06:25:19 PM 91 Views
Ben Franklin. - 13/01/2010 06:38:38 PM 208 Views
James Madison. Nice. *NM* - 13/01/2010 07:20:36 PM 82 Views
Elbridge Gerry *NM* - 13/01/2010 09:16:13 PM 82 Views
woah, going to have to look that one up O.o *NM* - 13/01/2010 09:17:55 PM 89 Views
Thomas Gates. - 13/01/2010 09:21:35 PM 181 Views
George Washington - 13/01/2010 09:28:25 PM 210 Views
Lie to me baby! You know you wanna. *NM* - 13/01/2010 09:45:15 PM 81 Views
Wanna know what I can do with these wooden teeth? *NM* - 13/01/2010 11:37:02 PM 85 Views
You bring the teeth... - 14/01/2010 12:46:55 AM 194 Views
I get James Madison as well - 13/01/2010 09:28:37 PM 167 Views
Aced it (George Washington) *NM* - 13/01/2010 09:29:27 PM 85 Views
James T Kirk. - 13/01/2010 09:50:29 PM 227 Views
Dude *NM* - 13/01/2010 11:27:06 PM 79 Views
I am not Washington - 13/01/2010 10:50:56 PM 200 Views
Madison seems very popular - 13/01/2010 11:13:52 PM 179 Views
Jim Madison *NM* - 13/01/2010 11:41:49 PM 89 Views
Hey, you think on a WEBSITE about BOOKS we're gonna get a lot of loner-reader types? *NM* - 14/01/2010 12:22:44 AM 78 Views
Yeah, you'd think. *NM* - 14/01/2010 01:02:23 AM 83 Views
"Jim?" That's just so odd. *NM* - 15/01/2010 06:27:55 PM 82 Views
James Madison *NM* - 14/01/2010 12:19:30 AM 88 Views
Roger Sherman - 15/01/2010 06:57:16 PM 204 Views

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