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Re: For love of what sanity you have left... Dominic Send a noteboard - 03/09/2009 06:43:08 PM
get them fixed as early as possible. I'm horrified at how many people that's not a no-brainer for.

The Humane society out here does a great package deal, they give all shots, spay/neuter'em and put the microchip in, all for 60 - 80$ depending on the sex and age, so I'm making an appointment for that next weekend...

I find that if the double sided tape doesn't work for "stay the eff off the counters" that crinkled tin foil will... Eventualy...

They haven't found a way up yet so I'm waiting to see if they do... ours arent really that reachable, but yes I know they are cats which means eventually they will find a way...

When/if it becomes necessary to pill the kitties and cold cuts or cheese happen to not work (Tangie's always a sucker for ham), Greenies makes pill pockets that fool my fussy brats. Just something to keep in mind. Also, Greenies treats are perfectly fine to give kitties with urinary tract issues. *glares at her Asha and mutters that love is expensive*

lol yeah I cant wait for that stuff...

Try the double sided tape on your furniture and make sure a scratching post is available. Better they learn what's okay to claw now than having to break a bad habit later. I personaly prefer to make my own kitty condo because of cost of materials VS cost of the thing that's half the size at the pet store, but whatever works for you...

I built a 2 lvl scratch post thing with my dad right before we picked em up... they seem to love it... it might not hurt that I sprayed some of that cat nip stuff on it right before they first saw it, but they seem to only be scratching and climbing that as of now... we'll see...

And watch your drinks. Because if people food is better than kitty food, then obviously people drinks are also better than kitty drinks; and who wants to take a sip of tea that's had a paw dipped into it?

yes this I have been aware of, as I had a friends cat knock over peoples beers all the time when we were over...

Thanks for all the advice...

~ Dominic
the guy formally known as Kalin

I really am shocked I am posting here again... but then again I'm sure you are to...
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I've lost the battle.... - 03/09/2009 04:13:27 PM 729 Views
Yes.... watch where you're stepping. *NM* - 03/09/2009 04:14:27 PM 197 Views
I've noticed... - 03/09/2009 04:31:27 PM 451 Views
Also, be careful if you have a recliner - 03/09/2009 07:39:49 PM 455 Views
Get some steel pants. - 03/09/2009 04:18:28 PM 517 Views
just thought I'd let you know.... - 03/09/2009 06:46:59 PM 490 Views
Ohhh, bad idea... - 03/09/2009 07:29:36 PM 421 Views
Shuddup! - 03/09/2009 07:38:46 PM 420 Views
Pfft, an 8 week old kitten cannot be psychotic already - 04/09/2009 01:56:26 AM 392 Views
Cats are weird. - 03/09/2009 04:33:59 PM 521 Views
re: shoulders - 03/09/2009 04:36:10 PM 437 Views
Awwwwww, cute! - 03/09/2009 05:06:28 PM 455 Views
Not at all! - 03/09/2009 05:44:19 PM 454 Views
Yay! - 03/09/2009 05:57:33 PM 400 Views
I have been conscribed into giving piggy back rides? - 03/09/2009 06:29:33 PM 527 Views
Yep, I'm gonna ride you till you're exhausted - 03/09/2009 06:46:08 PM 440 Views
Spray Bottle - 03/09/2009 07:31:54 PM 434 Views
check *NM* - 03/09/2009 07:48:20 PM 194 Views
Fake a severe allergy to cats. Then get a dog instead. *NM* - 03/09/2009 05:11:58 PM 181 Views
To late... - 03/09/2009 06:21:26 PM 414 Views
Double sided tape on top of anything you don't want them on. - 03/09/2009 05:14:48 PM 435 Views
Sure they do. - 03/09/2009 05:21:10 PM 444 Views
I've found this particularly a flystrip for cats! - 03/09/2009 11:52:03 PM 429 Views
Be prepared.... - 03/09/2009 05:58:32 PM 428 Views
Re: Be prepared.... - 03/09/2009 06:45:12 PM 399 Views
buy a dog anyway - 03/09/2009 05:58:56 PM 374 Views
For love of what sanity you have left... - 03/09/2009 06:20:37 PM 426 Views
Yes, spay/neuter! - 03/09/2009 06:31:03 PM 467 Views
We call it the butt-butt dance. - 03/09/2009 11:57:52 PM 432 Views
Re: For love of what sanity you have left... - 03/09/2009 06:43:08 PM 431 Views
Cats rule, dogs suck..... - 03/09/2009 07:21:21 PM 469 Views
I just wish... - 03/09/2009 07:28:15 PM 428 Views
Yes, it is not go crazy for 4 hours and sleep for 20 hours! - 03/09/2009 07:33:35 PM 429 Views
Re: Yes, it is not go crazy for 4 hours and sleep for 20 hours! - 03/09/2009 07:47:01 PM 441 Views
Definitely on the better end of foods..... - 03/09/2009 07:50:45 PM 429 Views
cat swimming lessons - 03/09/2009 08:28:27 PM 429 Views
Keep shoes somewhere protected. - 03/09/2009 10:55:48 PM 441 Views
boo to cats! *NM* - 04/09/2009 12:04:40 AM 206 Views
They taste great when barbecued. - 04/09/2009 12:35:47 AM 436 Views
I don't like cats. Throw them away. - 04/09/2009 01:27:25 AM 389 Views
except that well... - 04/09/2009 03:38:50 AM 416 Views

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