Active Users:179 Time:02/06/2024 01:21:53 PM
People changing names is always odd at first. Jonielle Send a noteboard - 04/09/2009 09:00:26 PM
I have known that I wanted a non-WoT screen name for a while now. I did a survey on the alpha, asked around in wotmania chat for a few ideas. Some were variations on some sort of tree name, none of which really jumped out at me.

Last night whilst trying to fall asleep, I thought, "What about Daphne"?

So, if you don't know who Daphne is in Greek mythology, check out the wikipedia link.

1. Should I change my name to Daphne?

I like Avendesora, it's pretty. If you like Daphne more than your current sn then you should of course change no matter what others think. (I don't like Daphne, it reminds me of Daphne from Frasier and not any goddess)

2. Is it obvious or obscure?

Obscure I'd say.
Formerly known as Jojjo.
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Thinking of new screen name. - 04/09/2009 08:54:18 PM 644 Views
People changing names is always odd at first. - 04/09/2009 09:00:26 PM 323 Views
The time for trees is in the past, it seems. - 04/09/2009 09:05:03 PM 338 Views
But you're aveypoos! - 04/09/2009 09:07:47 PM 351 Views
I'd just go with Ave - 04/09/2009 09:15:08 PM 367 Views
That didn't stop countless others. - 04/09/2009 09:20:00 PM 407 Views
Or, TheMonkeyThatMakesOthersCry. - 04/09/2009 09:30:50 PM 351 Views
And you don't want to be like those silly people - 04/09/2009 09:33:41 PM 310 Views
Why not just... - 04/09/2009 09:27:06 PM 552 Views
It's a nice sn. I'll miss Avendesora, though. *NM* - 04/09/2009 09:27:41 PM 134 Views
I always liked Avendewhora and Avendesnora. - 04/09/2009 09:27:52 PM 377 Views
so are you staying the same or changing to... - 04/09/2009 09:37:35 PM 357 Views
No need. I already have this one. *NM* - 04/09/2009 09:45:07 PM 179 Views
Word. - 04/09/2009 09:49:25 PM 281 Views
What ever happened to those two anyway? *NM* - 05/09/2009 12:42:15 AM 143 Views
I like both, but... - 04/09/2009 09:39:42 PM 365 Views
hahaha, like "daftne"? - 04/09/2009 09:40:48 PM 511 Views
How's Daphy strick you? - 05/09/2009 12:40:18 AM 293 Views
Love me, love my newfound newb mistake. *NM* - 04/09/2009 09:44:41 PM 190 Views
I dunno, you always gave off more of a Velma vibe to me. - 05/09/2009 02:21:19 AM 336 Views
Meh. - 05/09/2009 04:35:49 AM 332 Views
You obviously haven't heard that song by Bob Dylan. - 05/09/2009 01:58:27 PM 388 Views

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