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All, or at least most, roads still lead to the Republicans though. Joel Send a noteboard - 13/04/2010 06:01:37 PM
Blah blah blah...I'm so sick of hearing how Bush was the worst President ever, and how he destroyed this, and shit on that. Congress placed the bills in front of him, Congress confirmed his nominations for various positions. People give the President entirely too much credit for the good and the bad.

Am I saying I like what was going on while he was President, or that I like the decisions he made that Congress had no part in? No, I think he made plenty of mistakes, all I'm really saying is that Congress has more than their fair share of blame, and I think it's silly that nobody ever mentions it.

When you have a majority Congressional party whose primary campaign message is "I support the President" you can't really say that absolves him from blame when they rubberstamp what he puts in front of them. They share the blame, but how does it exonerate Bush when they pass legislation Bush introduced (prior to Obama Presidents often introduced legislation on things other than corporate bailouts;))? That doesn't let minority Dems off the hook for unanimous votes in favor of things like the IWR, but that objection is one more of principle than policy: Senate Dems voting against the IWR in 2002 wouldn't have stopped it and most would've been committing political suicide since the invasion was very popular with the public then; they just shouldn't have had the nerve to vote for it and then campaign against it in '04 (in Kerrys case it was particularly stupid. )

I'm simply saying that it's silly that he is the sole person blamed for all the country's woes, when Congress approved the things he did prior to him doing them. It's not about parties, it's about responsibility, and the Senators and members of the House who approved so much of what was going on are just as much at fault as Bush. I'm not trying to argue that Bush was a great President, or anything of the sort....I think he was pretty dumb and that he could have done a much better job of guiding the country during his 8 years in office. Congress (both republicans and democrats) made plenty of mistakes as well, and they deserve to be mentioned as (a big) part of the problem.

I only really mention it, because Bush bashing is so popular that people don't ever seem to stop and think about the reality of situations. The failure in running the country isn't something to lay solely at Bush's feet, the failure is something to lay at both Congress and Bush's feet.

Democrats didn't always roll over; recall that during the healthcare debate Republicans accused Democrats of cheating by using the reconciliation process, which Democrats countered by reminding them that Republicans did the same thing when Democrats fought upper class tax cuts under Bush. Bush gets most of the lumps because he was the standard bearer, and because he was far more willing than Obama seems to be to actually introduce legislation and twist Congress' arm to get it passed.
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Income falls 3.2% since Obama took office - - 13/04/2010 05:28:00 AM 509 Views
Re: Income falls 3.2% since Obama took office - - 13/04/2010 07:50:03 AM 314 Views
I think it's hilarious that everyone blames Bush and forgets to point their fingers at Congress - 13/04/2010 08:07:29 AM 261 Views
That would be more credible if so many Republicans hadn't run so many times on his coattails. - 13/04/2010 09:18:16 AM 243 Views
I'm not exonerating him by any means - 13/04/2010 04:29:32 PM 230 Views
it's not as much a "Bush Bashing" problem. - 13/04/2010 04:41:51 PM 249 Views
Agreed, 100% *NM* - 13/04/2010 04:57:33 PM 105 Views
And individual Congressmen even less. *NM* - 13/04/2010 05:36:14 PM 102 Views
All, or at least most, roads still lead to the Republicans though. - 13/04/2010 06:01:37 PM 237 Views
Agree. *NM* - 13/04/2010 05:28:24 PM 95 Views
Double agreed.....which is why..... - 13/04/2010 05:52:45 PM 260 Views
And what is your point? - 13/04/2010 07:58:46 AM 316 Views
Post election polls showed most Americans thought the recovery would take over a year. - 13/04/2010 09:22:23 AM 242 Views
Bah! Coincidence!! - 13/04/2010 01:44:57 PM 242 Views
Sometimes a specious claim is just a specious claim. - 13/04/2010 01:46:57 PM 260 Views
Also the sun has gone down once a day on every single day since he took office. *NM* - 13/04/2010 02:09:44 PM 103 Views
that has nothign to do with Obama - 13/04/2010 03:44:36 PM 265 Views
you're both wrong! - 13/04/2010 03:47:43 PM 261 Views
"Going down"? - 13/04/2010 04:45:01 PM 254 Views
Please. - 13/04/2010 04:57:13 PM 251 Views
Perhaps - 13/04/2010 05:20:49 PM 237 Views

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