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Well, that didn't take long. WoW account cancelled. For the third time. Aemon Send a noteboard - 24/01/2011 01:21:17 AM
Some of you guys might remember my last post from a couple months ago, but the gist was, I had some time after exams, and signed up for WoW again. For about a week, I went on a serious WoW binge, putting in between 2 and 3 days playtime, and hitting level 60. After that I slacked off a bit, but still progressed pretty quickly. I hit 85 in about 6.5 days playtime, and had a pretty good time doing it. Since then, I have:

* Hit 525 in herbalism and inscription
* Hit Exalted with a couple of factions for the purchasable epics
* Run every normal dungeon five or six times (some, like Grim Batol, quite a few more than that)
* Run every heroic once or twice
* Attained an iLvL of around 340 (around 330ish offspec)
* Purchased all riding licenses
* Amassed about 12000 gold.

Anyway, I realized that I hadn't played in about two weeks, so I went ahead and cancelled my account. Why? I guess because I've done about all I wanted to do. I've seen all the content you can do with random players, and I'm not interested in the time commitment it takes to raid. So I'm done. Got out pretty easy, all things considered.

Some random notes about my experience, now.

* Having done all the quest content in the game, I can say for sure that 0-60 was my favorite. Both classic and Cataclysm quests are very well done. However, I felt that classic quests were more of a "zone storyline" sort of thing, while Cataclysm felt more modular. Smaller storylines for a bunch of quest hubs, or whatever. There were exceptions, but most of the zone storylines just weren't as satisfying to me.

* The random dungeon finder is still awesome, and still too impersonal. I said this last time, and thought that my opinion might change after getting more experience, but it did not.

* I don't care at all for what they've done with loot. Loot used to have a "unique" feel. Now it feels like loot is only different between iLvLs. I guess what I'm trying to say is that loot is now TOO balanced. There used to be little differences here and there, and it was fun to try to figure out what was better for you. Now, loot in the same "tier" generally has the exact same primary stats as every other piece, and differs only in perhaps one secondary stat. It feels like it doesn't matter what items you have anymore, only what iLvL they are. I didn't care for that.

* Heroic trash is awesome. What do I mean? Well, in normal dungeons, players just zerg through. It's rare to see any marks go up, or CC used (I always tried to use my CC on the fly, with varying success). If you aggro a pat, who cares. Boss shows up before you're done fighting trash? No big deal! blah. Heroic trash really isn't that hard, it just forces you to use your abilities and smarts, which is awesome.

* Too many Heroic bosses are nothing but gear checks. Not all, of course. The ones I like are the ones that punish mistakes. If you make a mistake on normal, whatever, you'll be fine. On heroic difficulty, you'll wipe immediately. I like that. Gear checks though, no thank you. The last boss of Grim Batol, for example. His mechanics aren't that hard. You have to pay attention, but he's doable by just about any group (on normal). On heroic, though, you have to have a very well geared group to beat him. Not because he does anything particularly different, but just because lower-geared groups can't dps the two adds down before they pop the eggs. It's very frustrating.

I guess that's about it for now, just thought you guys might be interested in an update. Feel free to comment.
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Well, that didn't take long. WoW account cancelled. For the third time. - 24/01/2011 01:21:17 AM 575 Views
Must. Resist. - 24/01/2011 03:26:10 AM 394 Views
The Lead Systems Designer for Wow has a fascinating blog post about heroic difficulty design - 24/01/2011 04:42:17 AM 506 Views
Yeah, I've read that before. It's a pretty good article. - 24/01/2011 05:38:52 AM 352 Views
Re: Yeah, I've read that before. It's a pretty good article. - 24/01/2011 01:59:57 PM 361 Views
So quick to assume that I want to argue I just thought it was interesting, and related - 24/01/2011 02:20:13 PM 379 Views
Hey now, I was just asking. *NM* - 24/01/2011 09:15:08 PM 164 Views
What did you do with your gold? *NM* - 24/01/2011 11:33:07 PM 280 Views
Nothing, it's still sitting there, and the account is accessible until the 1st. - 25/01/2011 06:22:18 AM 373 Views
Dang it no *NM* - 25/01/2011 10:42:17 PM 175 Views
I just quit too. I kept logging in, then wondering why I was on - 25/01/2011 07:09:30 AM 511 Views
I'll just read this and live... er, play vicariously. - 25/01/2011 02:22:30 PM 379 Views

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