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My cousin has similar feelings. Japhy Send a noteboard - 20/04/2011 07:25:54 PM
I showed him Portal to get his feet wet before recommending portal 2 and he struggled greatly with it. He'll probably stick to his CoD and whatever else he has and just remain oblivious to the portal universe.

It's certainly worth $50 but why should I (or we) waste time trying to convince somebody who has clearly made up their mind and chooses a "holier than you" stance to enjoy a game that you see as beneath you.

fifty bucks?? I'm not going to buy this unless y'all are going to tell me it's seriously worth 50 bucks. Because as much as I loved portal, nothing about its premise was worth that much. It was a fancy puzzle game with a hilarious robot-enemy. If this is just a fancier puzzle game, I'm not buying this until the price comes down A LOT. I don't even like paying this much for RPGs.

EDIT: as a futile attempt to defend myself against rabid fanboys, I'm not saying that this game CAN'T be worth fifty bucks to YOU. If YOU think it's worth fifty bucks, please spend your fanboy rage attempting to politely convince me instead of trying to flay me alive.
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A Portal 2 thread, you monster. - 19/04/2011 02:23:41 PM 818 Views
Oooooo I didn't knwo this was out - 19/04/2011 04:31:57 PM 796 Views
Great game. *Big Spoilers* - 20/04/2011 05:11:55 PM 767 Views
*goes to buy* WOW REALLY?!?!?! - 20/04/2011 07:14:39 PM 717 Views
Agreed. As masterful as Portal was, I'd rather wait for a price drop. *NM* - 20/04/2011 07:25:16 PM 397 Views
My cousin has similar feelings. - 20/04/2011 07:25:54 PM 828 Views
Stating that it seems overpriced to her != a "holier than thou" attitude. - 20/04/2011 07:35:51 PM 694 Views
Just saying, I love the use of != over =/= *NM* - 20/04/2011 11:24:19 PM 412 Views
as l-o-s said, I greatly enjoyed Portal 1. I plan to enjoy Portal 2. - 20/04/2011 08:01:52 PM 799 Views
It would be helpful, - 20/04/2011 08:48:13 PM 897 Views
plainly my statement was misinterpreted. I apologize. - 21/04/2011 12:32:59 AM 675 Views
Easy... - 21/04/2011 03:31:55 PM 697 Views
Bulletstorm is single-player + coop only and sold for $60. What do you want? - 20/04/2011 09:14:34 PM 729 Views
Given that short review, I'd say anyone buying Bulletstorm is being severely ripped off. - 21/04/2011 12:45:06 AM 598 Views
To be fair, it's my opinion of the BS (hah) demo. A case of interesting gimmick + bad execution. - 21/04/2011 01:35:25 AM 745 Views
okay I get the point you were trying to make with your comparison... - 21/04/2011 01:54:16 AM 687 Views
Gotcha. What's game would be a Day One purchase for you, though? - 21/04/2011 02:50:13 AM 720 Views
I'm not sure, honestly. - 21/04/2011 03:20:33 AM 705 Views
Bulletstorm was a lot of fun. The demo didn't do it justice. - 21/04/2011 12:53:12 PM 1142 Views
If it's as long as Portal 1, then I completely agree - 20/04/2011 10:54:31 PM 712 Views
you explained why I was surprised at the price well here. - 21/04/2011 12:41:40 AM 792 Views
It's about twice as long. Leaving it at 6-8 hours, basically. - 21/04/2011 02:50:53 AM 721 Views
thank you - 21/04/2011 05:23:37 PM 708 Views
I've found it to be worth the price - 21/04/2011 08:56:16 AM 631 Views
If you want a review, lookie here: - 21/04/2011 12:56:06 PM 1120 Views
The censoring in that review is killing me - 21/04/2011 04:23:03 PM 657 Views
thank you ben *NM* - 21/04/2011 05:22:13 PM 323 Views
It's longer. - 21/04/2011 05:46:10 PM 815 Views

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