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Re: E3 - Wii U (aka, that's it?) Jragghen Send a noteboard - 08/06/2011 01:36:26 AM
So essentially it's a higher powered Wii with what looks like the worlds most uncomfortable controller (i'm prepared to be corrected when i get my hands on one), and limited 3rd pary support with no exclusivity I could see. Huh, nope, can't see any reason to get one so far.

Some of the specs have been leaking out - IBM confirmed it's a Power 7 variant (Power 7 is what was inside of Watson, albeit lots and lots of them), and AMD is making the graphics chip. General perception is that it's to the PS360 as the Wii was to the original Xbox. All footage which was shown at the conference has been confirmed to be PS360 as appropriately developed versions of the aforementioned games are not ready yet, but the devs in question (Darksiders 2 one seems to be the most cited) is that the Nintendo version will end up being the best version in terms of visuals etcetera. Now, given the games will be released this year, it'll also be coming a good half year later.

*It has no exclusive 3rd party support of substance that I can see so far (Ubisoft is doing a shooter and a sports game for the family) - It could be argued that Ninty is their own exclusivity, but will they claim 360 and PS3 gamers back on the basis of their IP?

No console, ever, has announced exclusive third party titles when it was still a year+ from release. Reggie confirmed it wouldn't be before March 31st 2012. So we're still a long way off here.

*No big Ninty games announced for it, or did i miss that?

See above. Note that this mirrors the unveiling of the Wii, too. Hell, at this point we know more games for it than we do for the Wii at the equivalent point. We knew one thing: Smash Bros.

*It's touchscreen - make of that what you will

We do know it's a touchscreen, we also know it's single-touch, not multitouch. :/

*The price - Can they get it down to a Wii like level when they need a touchscreen controller? Can they even hit a 360 price point? Doubtful unless they go loss leader, and Ninty tend not to.

In a G4 interview, Reggie said launch price would be comparable to current PS360 prices.

Personal take is that while I think there's a number of useful features with the screen in hand, almost all of them pertain to multiplayer scenarios. I'm not in college anymore, I live alone, and as such I will not find any use out of them aside from the (admittedly awesome) ability to continue playing my game while sitting on the toilet.

Mind you, I'm in the midst of a "not really playing games at all much anymore" kick, L4D2 aside.

Oh, and the name is atrocious. Like, seriously.
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E3 - Wii U (aka, that's it?) - 07/06/2011 11:57:01 PM 759 Views
Wii nonsense just about sums up my view of it - 08/06/2011 01:12:51 AM 461 Views
Re: E3 - Wii U (aka, that's it?) - 08/06/2011 01:36:26 AM 563 Views
I hadn't thought of that! - 08/06/2011 01:46:42 AM 508 Views
Oh, and the other thing - 08/06/2011 02:07:26 AM 510 Views
E3 - Wii U: it's a stupid name. *NM* - 08/06/2011 03:32:53 AM 208 Views
Everyone says Nintendo is stupid for the things they do... - 08/06/2011 03:41:05 AM 473 Views
It could, of course, be the new Gamecube. *NM* - 08/06/2011 11:13:57 AM 233 Views
Which was a fantastic console. *NM* - 08/06/2011 05:29:42 PM 232 Views
And also made Nintendo money. *NM* - 08/06/2011 05:57:45 PM 188 Views
It's still not something Nintendo wants. - 08/06/2011 08:02:01 PM 530 Views
Shush. Let not your plague of truth and reason enter this discourse! *NM* - 08/06/2011 08:49:46 PM 215 Views
Heh. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it was a bad console. - 09/06/2011 07:24:48 AM 659 Views
What does Nintendo have against processing power? You don't HAVE to cripple yourself! - 09/06/2011 12:55:21 AM 424 Views
It's all about price point - 09/06/2011 01:11:44 AM 469 Views
No. It's not. - 09/06/2011 04:15:14 AM 558 Views
Console wars respond poorly to logic. *NM* - 09/06/2011 04:57:14 AM 210 Views
If I'm wrong I stand corrected - 09/06/2011 05:22:17 AM 445 Views
Nintendo stock fell 5% *NM* - 09/06/2011 02:06:01 AM 222 Views
That's also being affected by disappointing 3DS sales. - 09/06/2011 02:23:55 AM 435 Views
One of the reasons I didn't mention Sony's post-E3 stock drop. - 09/06/2011 09:53:02 PM 408 Views
Only one Wii U controller per system. That's a big downer, IMO, even if they'd be pricey for 2+ - 10/06/2011 04:04:43 PM 581 Views
I'm ecstatic, actually. - 10/06/2011 04:18:10 PM 407 Views
Still have to buy more controllers, though - 10/06/2011 06:14:10 PM 465 Views
I think it uses Wii remotes with pointer controls. Not sure though. - 10/06/2011 08:39:12 PM 403 Views

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