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There's a GAME OF THRONES computer game out in like two weeks. Werthead Send a noteboard - 08/09/2011 11:47:50 PM
You may be wondering how it's possible that's passed you by. So is everyone else.

A GAME OF THRONES: GENESIS (the 'A' and the 'Genesis' are there to ensure no-one gets sued by HBO) is a strategy game which allows you to control one of the Great Houses of Westeros. Though apparently not the Greyjoys, as they were too hard to implement or something. There are several scenarios, beginning with Nymeria's invasion of Dorne 1,000 years before the books and ending with Robert's Rebellion. Amongst the scenarios is one where you control Aegon the Conqueror as he invades Westeros. Given the presence of dragons, that'll probably be the easiest campaign.

The game's unique selling point is that military activity is not mandatory. Instead, you can win the Iron Throne through skillful negotiations, behind-the-scenes plotting, economic sabotage, timely political marriages or assassination. Which sounds kind of cool, but no-one knows if it works because the developers have refused to reveal how it all works. They've also refused to show any substantive gameplay videos and there's no indication there will be a pre-release demo either. And the developers, Cyanide, have a terrible reputation for releasing bug-filled games that take years to become playable. Suffice to say that many people are predicting a turkey.

Possibly slightly more interesting is GAME OF THRONES: THE RPG, which Cyanide are developing for release for late 2012. This game will be more WITCHER/DRAGON AGE-esque and will be a story-based RPG, featuring a rotating POV structure like the novels, moving you between several characters who are caught up in the War of the Five Kings. The RPG just got the official recognition nod from HBO and will apparently be using HBO art assets, actor likenesses and - maybe - actor voices, which could be cool.
A Game of Terribly Out-of-Scale Maps
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There's a GAME OF THRONES computer game out in like two weeks. - 08/09/2011 11:47:50 PM 772 Views
I heard about those games. - 09/09/2011 11:57:47 AM 387 Views
Re: I heard about those games. - 09/09/2011 02:15:50 PM 414 Views
Have you ever played Knights of Honor? - 14/09/2011 02:25:42 AM 455 Views

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