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Tribes: Ascend (free-to-play reboot of a classic online shooter, objective-based, JETPACKS, classes) Zalis Send a noteboard - 30/05/2012 05:05:23 PM
If anyone has been thinking about trying out Tribes: Ascend, now is a good time to do so. Not only has the closed beta been opened to the public, but a recent update has added both a new class and map. If anyone already plays it, my in-game name is deadlybydsgn.

My impressions:

As far as the gameplay goes, it's surprisingly fun for being a free game. (oh, and it's faaaaast when you want it to be). I only really feel the F2P aspect when I don't have a piece of equipment unlocked yet. That gives me goals, though, so I don't mind. I actually prefer unlocks in F2P than I do when $60 games do it. There's always a role to play. In my case, I initially found the engineer-like Technician class to be more fun than the combat classes, as it allowed me to earn xp by doing base defense & maintenance. The unlocks aren't overpowered to the point where higher-ranked players (or those who purchased them) have an unfair advantage. Many of the unlocks are variations of side-grades. To start off, I recommend playing a base defense role, as it allows you to learn the ropes and doesn't require as much maneuvering skill with the jetpack's aerial gameplay (or the skiing mechanic).

Classes: You have access to 3 basic classes at first, Pathfinder/Soldier/Juggernaut, with the opportunity to unlock 6 more. The initial 3 are enough to let you play any number of roles. Light classes are great for scouting, flag-carrying, engineering, sniping, stealth. Medium is flexible, combining both decent weapon power and mobility, which means you can do almost anything with enough skill. Heavy classes initially seem brutish and slow, but they can also be the thinking man's class. You have to plan their slow-but-powerful weapon shots out, but that's when they're doing their best area-denial job. While the initial 3 classes are pretty versatile, the remaining 6 are much more specialized. That's both to their benefit and detriment, as it means they take more time to master. So far, I've only unlocked the Technician, which is essentially an engineer. He can repair, create turrets, etc. Anyone can repair by picking up a kit in their base, but this class is specifically designed for it.

In terms of presentation, TA is one of the better looking F2P games I've seen. Throw in the post-processing effects when you get damaged or explosions happen nearby, and it could pass for a $60 AAA title. The Unreal 3 engine occasionally gives me flashbacks of Unreal Tournament, but that's bound to happen with it running a futuristic IP. The only chink in that armor, IMO, is the Tribes level design. Lots of open areas make for great mobility and high speeds, but it means the overall level of detail is a bit simpler. (i.e., slopey terrain, indoors of bases are more open than a non-Tribes space-y base would be) The sound design is faithful to the series, with projectiles whizzing past, booming when they make their impact. Everything goes bam, fizz, pew-pew, just as it should in a Tribes game. It's occasionally enough to make you want to go "weeeeee!" when flying across an open map at 150+kph.

It isn't Tribes exactly as you may remember it, since there are a number of "modern gaming" concessions (such as regenerating health), but I think it's a worthwhile title that brings an old IP to life. I have to laugh when noobs talk about how TA is a ripoff of Halo, too. It's almost like we're living in a parallel universe where Tribes didn't release 3 years before Master Chef's adventures.

TL;DR -- It's a pretty happy medium of classic Tribes gameplay, F2P and quality. It looks good, sounds good, plays well, and allows for a variety of gameplay styles. Plus, jetpacks are fun. Unlocks can be earned via XP or purchased with gold (the in-game currency), but the level of play remains fair (i.e., not play2win). You can decide that for yourself with the link below, though.
The sword might be grateful to the forge fire, but never fond of it.
Tribes: Ascend
This message last edited by Zalis on 06/06/2012 at 03:18:00 PM
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Tribes: Ascend (free-to-play reboot of a classic online shooter, objective-based, JETPACKS, classes) - 30/05/2012 05:05:23 PM 918 Views
It's fun, although I wish you got XP faster. - 30/05/2012 05:36:39 PM 312 Views

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