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Bergioyn Send a noteboard

Personal Info

Real name: Lassi
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Country: Finland

Contact Info

E-mail address:


Date joined: Aug. 31, 2009
Messageboard posts:
    * Community: 257
    * Books: 22
    * Wheel of Time: 46
    * TV & Movies: 47
    * Games: 254
    * Role Playing: 895
    * RAFO: 12

Other Information

wotmania Stats*
Community Message Board Posts: 217 (7495 views)
WoT Message Board Posts: 166 (9170 views)
Team Message Board Posts: 0 (0 views)
WoT Games Message Board Posts: 83 (4547 views)
Other Fantasy Message Board Posts: 16 (1189 views)
Writers' Message Board Posts: 0 (0 views)
Blackboard Posts: 296
wSE Points: 1,155.12

*Counts last updated for Bergioyn on 8/30/2009 @ 5:09:20 AM.

Of the last eight wotmaniacs to reply to the previous Quickpoll's blackboard, the coolest individual was: (108 Votes)
Asked from 3/18/2007 to 3/21/2007

Gilgamesh the Wanderer (1.85%)
Danae al'Thor (13.89%)
jadedlemon (0.93%)
Obsidian Ashaman (9.26%)
Gaylen "Wolfe" Sedai (22.22%)
Catriona Sedai (12.04%)
Bergioyn (1.85%)
draggie (37.96%)

Bergioyn sucks rubber dog biscuit. (54 Votes)
Asked from 6/12/2007 to 6/14/2007

Too right. (33.33%)
Wait, who? (66.67%)