Active Users:185 Time:18/05/2024 06:38:00 PM
I admit my reaction is as much emotional as rational but boots may be needed - Edit 1

Before modification by random thoughts at 24/05/2017 07:50:24 PM

We have convinced ourselves that we can fight these wars without risking our own people but that just doesn't work. I have sent a son into combat in a foreign country so I appreciate what is at stake but you can't take half a shit and you can't fight half a war. Trying to fight half a war was the reason we lost in Vietnam. No country had ever won every major engagement and then lost the war until we tried to fight half of one and showed the world how it was done. We could have ended that damn war if they would have landed twenty thousand Marine and taken North Vietnam and then taken as much of Cambodia as we needed to stop the supplies from moving south. We are doing the same thing in Afghanistan where the enemy can just safely retreat into Pakistan. Either we follow them where they run or we come home and stop wasting lives and money.

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