Active Users:278 Time:15/05/2024 09:40:18 AM
No man, he is an original, why become a Simulacra in a Simulation in order to just recreate the past - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 25/05/2017 12:54:21 PM

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Sounds like a real winner there. Is Dana White going to sign him to an UFC contract if he loses?

No man, this is real wrestling. Why do UFC or some fake form of simulation of real wrestling, why overwrite the original with a simulacra after the fact in order to recreate the original experience?

Why recreate via a play when we have a perfect 100% representation of the original events. Why watch a play when we have the original on video


I love that there is a place in the world where I can discuss that the names Dana and Vanna are effectively the same thing. They are words that come from two different languages, two different origins, and these words also have different genders. These words are describing the same physical trait of an object, yet are describing the same object.

So is Dana White of UFC any different than Vanna White of Wheel of Fortune?

You see that is the joke. Fictional reality is no more absurd than actual reality which I believe is true for it was transmitted to me from the Fox News Website.

That there exists a place such as RAFO where a language nerd can school me on how much I am do not know and can make me laugh at myself while I am being schooled.


I am glad you re-verified your existence with all your exercise Larry

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