Active Users:166 Time:18/05/2024 10:59:51 PM
Well, fuck you too then - Edit 1

Before modification by Tom at 02/06/2017 01:44:35 AM

If you don't think that there is a degeneration of education going on you really are either being naively optimistic or have had horseshit pumped between your ears to the point you can't think rationally.

Millennials can't perform on simple tests, so the tests are racist. They don't get instant results from education so the educational system is racist. They don't rake in billions of dollars right out of college so their employers are racist. Replace "racist" with "sexist", "cisgender" or whatever other epithet the Left seems to think will cause social approbrium and you have it.

I realize that random thoughts is probably not a millennial (unless his profile is a lie, which is possible). However, the attitude you took to "substance over form" is indicative of this lazy, permissive attitude to everything that somehow wants to withhold judgment based on some deluded notion that it isn't relevant.

Form matters. If you try to tell me otherwise you're not fit to process used enema bags in a warehouse in Wyoming. Form is necessary. Overly strict adherence to form (such as giving someone an "F" for a 30-page essay with one spelling error) is ridiculous, but we aren't even near that level of competence in random thoughts' ramblings above. Lack of form creates sloppy expression and a breakdown in communication.

When you then say that my ideas are idiotic, fuck you too. How's that for substance over form?

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