Active Users:151 Time:02/06/2024 11:45:04 AM
So how many elections have occurred since 6/8/2017 aka 24 hours ago? Roland00 Send a noteboard - 10/06/2017 03:54:00 AM

Wouldn't the answer be 0, and thus neither male or female head of state have been elected in the last 24 hours, aka since the UK elections?

If y'all can't take a joke, I'll get pedantic right back atcha.

Man I thought Comey had a quite a large stick up his ass, but I guess Cannoli has a bigger tree up his. Two big trees up a man's butt and both of them got a grand amount of attention in a single week.

But I guess you get what you put into the plant, after all if the plant is eating such classic gems as

...running against a mulatto of foreign paternity.

Of course with such "fertilizer" full of "nitrates" as this quote, well of course the tree would prosper under such conditions.

But I should have noticed this tree earlier, I should have smelled the ammonia coming off of you Cannoli.

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Since female politicians in the Anglo world are oh-for-two in elections they should have won... - 09/06/2017 01:39:20 PM 1190 Views
Margaret Thatcher? *NM* - 09/06/2017 02:26:41 PM 325 Views
The godmother of global warming? Great counter-argument. - 09/06/2017 10:38:55 PM 511 Views
You people all realize that almost all of these women long predate Clinton and May? - 09/06/2017 10:34:50 PM 613 Views
And you realize that you didn't specify a time period? - 09/06/2017 11:23:00 PM 664 Views
"oh for two" means the two most recent such events or attempts, in sports parlance - 10/06/2017 05:47:25 AM 529 Views
Alright, hadn't thought of it that way. - 12/06/2017 06:21:18 PM 446 Views
So how many elections have occurred since 6/8/2017 aka 24 hours ago? - 10/06/2017 03:54:00 AM 659 Views
Oooh. Are we gonna talk up the butt and trees? Chorabliss in da house! Yea. Party time. - 12/06/2017 02:02:27 PM 717 Views
*NM* - 12/06/2017 02:07:53 PM 259 Views
*NM* - 12/06/2017 02:19:30 PM 211 Views
So no amyl or isopropyl nitrates for Chora or LiterateDog on the christmas present registry - 12/06/2017 09:41:03 PM 643 Views
we already expressed ourselves with this: - 13/06/2017 12:05:39 AM 408 Views
But a picture is worth 1000 words - 13/06/2017 12:45:47 AM 390 Views
That's not my experience with VHS cleaner - 13/06/2017 12:45:03 AM 500 Views
Pretends my fictional gay age instead of my real gay age - 13/06/2017 08:45:37 PM 386 Views
I'm gay and about to be 36. I am neither old nor young. I am perfect. - 14/06/2017 02:34:55 PM 509 Views
Gurrrrl, please. You know your post was crap and now you're covering it up with more crap. - 12/06/2017 02:00:39 PM 463 Views
I always vote for harder. - 13/06/2017 08:23:06 PM 406 Views
Hey, that should be the Sex Olympics motto: Harder. Deeper. Longer. - 13/06/2017 08:25:28 PM 449 Views
¿¿¿ iam durior est altius??? - 13/06/2017 08:56:52 PM 481 Views
Yo, bitches be da bomb! - 13/06/2017 08:28:27 PM 453 Views
Is there a reason we’re sticking to the Anglo world? - 16/06/2017 11:33:06 PM 539 Views
Tackle hugs Clover - 17/06/2017 07:44:04 PM 416 Views
Hi - 18/06/2017 09:23:14 AM 531 Views

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