Active Users:378 Time:03/05/2024 12:29:42 PM
I asked why YOU hate it. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 25/07/2017 11:17:51 PM

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I think I will start concluding all my subject lines with "you godless commie SOB." Y'know, just so you cannot beat me to it.

You know, the bastards who commissioned the first edition of the Communist Manifesto, on which Marx's name didn't even appear?

You ain't kiddin': Because the Labor Theory of Value was Adam Smiths idea, introduced in The Wealth of Nations (AKA the bible of capitalists, laissez-faire and otherwise—because the ACTUAL bible kind of cramps their style.) It is telling that even capitalisms godfather calls it a case of the tail wagging labors dog. Marx merely followed Smith to his logical inexorable conclusion rather than stop halfway at the first convenient spot. Because getting off the ride when it no longer suits ones personal avaricious "lifestyle choice" is how deicide happens....

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