Active Users:405 Time:03/05/2024 12:36:06 PM
If you asked why I hate something, why are you citing some random WASP I've certainly never quoted? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 27/07/2017 07:04:04 AM

You ain't kiddin': Because the Labor Theory of Value was Adam Smiths idea, introduced in The Wealth of Nations (AKA the bible of capitalists, laissez-faire and otherwise—because the ACTUAL bible kind of cramps their style.)

The actual Bible is my Bible, and BTW, it doesn't. As long as the money changers don't set up in the temple, the actual Bible doesn't actually care what they do. When He showed so much affection for publicans, Jesus wasn't finding the humanity in government bureaucrats, but in profiteering private contractors. His parables are full of libertarian philosophy, and admonitions to share the wealth and care for one's fellow man are not calls to elevate their material status, but to act with love. Socialism is to Christian values as rape is to love. Taxation & redistribution is coercion of what the Bible demands people do out of love. As someone here once wrote "Love cannot be coerced." Marx really wanted people to give it their best shot, though.
It is telling that even capitalisms godfather calls it a case of the tail wagging labors dog. Marx merely followed Smith to his logical inexorable conclusion rather than stop halfway at the first convenient spot. Because getting off the ride when it no longer suits ones personal avaricious "lifestyle choice" is how deicide happens....

There is a quote in the Gospels where someone suggests a better use for luxury goods would be to sell them and give the money to the poor, but that's Judas Iscariot, who receives the rebuke "The poor you will always have with you." Not exactly a ringing endorsement for the War on Poverty.

My problem with taking libertarianism all the way is that you end up with a state of nature, much like, say, Europe in the Dark Ages, when the feudal system arose. Libertarian utopia would last like 5 seconds, and then the rich would take over. And that's also the end goal of socialism as well, which is why a bunch of rich guys commissioned Marx's magnum opus. No matter which party is in charge, we get corporate subsidies and bailouts, such as in the GOP Obamacare replacement abominations. Don't delude yourself they'd ever again let a gang of ideologues take ultimate power in a totalitarian state again, as in the USSR & China. Henceforth, it's going to be corporate & banking lackeys occupying the figurehead offices.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Welp, this is it. It's been nice knowing you, but all things come to an end. Good bye, freedom. - 24/07/2017 08:57:22 PM 1195 Views
no GPS tracking my ass... - 24/07/2017 09:48:34 PM 724 Views
Bail? Bail. *NM* - 24/07/2017 09:51:28 PM 355 Views
Some of this makes me reconsider my position on Revelation being a wholly spiritual text. *NM* - 25/07/2017 12:22:43 AM 436 Views
The mark of the beast on the back of the hand? *NM* - 25/07/2017 12:43:41 AM 342 Views
Hole in one. *NM* - 28/07/2017 03:17:43 AM 352 Views
As opposed to....? *NM* - 25/07/2017 04:41:53 PM 337 Views
A literal prophecy detailing the physical end of the world. *NM* - 26/07/2017 05:34:41 AM 341 Views
Interesting. *NM* - 26/07/2017 05:42:39 PM 352 Views
Why do you hate the free market, you godless commie SOB?! - 25/07/2017 09:08:53 PM 721 Views
Because it's the playground of the plutocrats, of course. - 25/07/2017 11:02:33 PM 715 Views
I asked why YOU hate it. - 25/07/2017 11:17:29 PM 653 Views
If you asked why I hate something, why are you citing some random WASP I've certainly never quoted? - 27/07/2017 07:04:04 AM 667 Views
I thought you were going to tell us you're getting married *NM* - 28/07/2017 01:23:22 AM 368 Views
Ha! - 28/07/2017 02:48:05 PM 624 Views
And our legislators ignore the existential AI threat - 29/07/2017 03:14:41 PM 1100 Views

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