Active Users:298 Time:21/05/2024 07:59:38 AM
I am liking that stuff - Edit 1

Before modification by Cannoli at 13/08/2017 03:12:32 AM

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I enjoy the wider scope and real story arcs of the new series (the previous new series is to be buried and forgotten along with Highlander 2), even though I dislike the level of slapstick comedy that has become so prevalent in modern "children's" cartoons. In particular I like the fact that they escaped from the static formula (new robeast shows up, smacks individual lions, form Voltron, form sword, kill robeast) that was at the heart of the classic series. This show has actual story arcs and motivations for all the individual characters (instead of just Sven) and takes time to explore them outside of the lions just forming Voltron and smacking something.

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