Active Users:194 Time:19/05/2024 07:16:26 PM doesn't. That's why it's not the solution which offers the best prognosis. That was the point. - Edit 1

Before modification by Ghavrel at 14/09/2017 03:13:00 AM

If liposuction caused people with anorexia to report a better quality of life, as opposed to killing them, it would be the remedy of choice. Transitioning causes people who suffer to report a better quality of life, and despite the hysterics from people screaming about "maiming," the people who are modifying their bodies generally seem to think their situation is an improvement.

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Altering your body because something is wrong with your brain isnt the way. I have no problem with adults doing with their bodies what they will, I have no issues with adults transitioning and becoming who they feel they are. But not children. Im a very different person than 12 year old me was, than 12 year old me thought I would be. It would be horrible if I physically changed something to fit who I thought I was or wanted to be at the time, only to grow into something that is entirely different, thereby harming myself forever because of a temporary state of mind in the most difficult period of change in my life.

I agree that the situation with children is very complex. I am not saying that 12 year olds should be transitioning.

But with regard to "altering your body because something is wrong with your brain," that's literally what medication does.

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