Active Users:272 Time:21/05/2024 07:24:48 PM
You know, I'd not thought about that. - Edit 1

Before modification by Ghavrel at 18/10/2017 03:07:28 AM

View original postYou shouldn't regret anything but your horrid post security settings on FB. That globe would mean people would see my replies. More people than I allow in my own locked down FB. I have the Fort Knox of FB.

I like having the broad security settings because friends of friends often post very insightful things, but I hadn't given thought to people like you who might want to avoid casting pearls before swine.

View original postStill, I see you as a future centrist. I've seen your thoughtful replies. We shall see if you stay the same and the spectrum moves around you as we get older.

If I become a centrist because the Overton window moves while I stay the same, we're going to be living in a really weird land of anarchosyndicalism, това́рищ.

View original postAlso - ST: Discovery - now that we are 5 episodes in, what say you about Captain Lorca?

I really dislike that show. But I keep watching. A lot of Lorca's backstory doesn't make sense right now--why/how did he survive his ship being destroyed?--but he's one of the better written characters. And his actor can act. I just don't like most of the other characters. They're one-dimensional, which works just fine in the theatrical way TNG is set up but feels artificial in the more modern writing style of ST.

The more the show goes on, the more I think most of my problems with it would evaporate if they had just set it after Voyager. You could have a Federation still enormously weakened by the Dominion war, massive destabilization caused by the supernova that destroyed Romulus, and susceptible to deviation from its more noble ideals. That would nicely follow some of the moral explorations of DS9. Instead, we've got this really awful incongruity between TOS and ST. I feel like ST is sort of to TOS like The Magicians was to Harry Potter--prettier, and arguably more realistic, but grim and dark and generally unpleasant without any real payoff for that darkness.

Plus: setting it after the destruction of Romulus = cute Romulan crewmembers.

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