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Master of Whitestorm by Janny Wurts Rebekah Send a noteboard - 17/01/2018 03:25:06 PM

Tigana and The Lions of Al Rasan by Guy Gavriel Kay are both wonderful.

Uprooted by Naomi Novak.

I don't many newer things these days.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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Looking for a great stand-alone fantasy novel!!!!! - 17/01/2018 03:59:31 AM 697 Views
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay - 17/01/2018 04:58:40 AM 600 Views
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland - 17/01/2018 07:33:17 PM 410 Views
Ugh. Wrong spot. What a n00b. *NM* - 17/01/2018 07:34:29 PM 268 Views
LOL, I Like that book though *NM* - 18/01/2018 07:13:33 AM 230 Views
What Happened, by Hillary Clinton *NM* - 17/01/2018 05:25:00 AM 276 Views
Love it! *NM* - 17/01/2018 08:16:59 PM 247 Views
Master of Whitestorm by Janny Wurts - 17/01/2018 03:25:06 PM 632 Views
If you haven't read it, the Stand by Stephen King *NM* - 17/01/2018 03:29:44 PM 237 Views
I have never been able to get over how much I hated the ending. ** spoiler** - 18/01/2018 02:38:39 AM 443 Views
The Years of Rice & Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson - 17/01/2018 03:40:11 PM 595 Views
Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg - 17/01/2018 05:04:03 PM 432 Views

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