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Advertising is the difference between an invited party guest and an uninvited one. - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 22/01/2018 08:10:27 PM

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Trust in Don Draper and Peggy Olson.

Advertising is the difference between an invited party guest and an uninvited one.

I love advertising when I am open to it as specific times and places. But when this is not the right time and place any advertisement even good ones is just invading my thoughts getting in the way and is cognitively draining for it is a distraction. I love having the "freedom" to shut out advertising when it is not the right time and place and to be open to it during other times.

For example isn't a car commercial just wasted energy when you are not in the mood to be buying a car, or you are living in NYC? But during other times a car commercial is information to help you buy the right car for you and to make you feel comfortable in your inevitable decision.

Think of my relationship with advertising much like how Bilbo Baggins in both the Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring is in regards with "guests." Bilbo was tricked by the smart advertising (Gandalf), but remember Bilbo voluntary participated in the adventure even if he was "tricked" into participating. He was open to it in the first place, it was not wasting his time, and he allowed it to influence fundamentally his life.

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