Active Users:214 Time:17/05/2024 12:44:23 PM
Amazing. Every word of what you just said... was wrong. edit: damn it - Edit 5

Before modification by Roland00 at 17/02/2018 04:01:06 AM

There is a war on males, but it is not a war from the liberals, it is both bigger and smaller than that. Bigger and smaller than the word liberals, war, male, more.

(No it is not ironic that I used every word of what you said was wrong and then reused almost all the words and said most of the words are true. This is not nonsense but instead a demonstration of the concept of Kōan in a non traditional manner. The stories we tell ourselves often have concepts like duality but often the stories we tell ourselves are false. A koan is often a story or riddle where you try to answer it would lead to a paradox or nonsense. Koans make you realize that many ways we structure language, questions, are counterproductive in seeing insight into truth. Parables can provide much the same type of insight but it is slightly different. Koans have no story at the end of it demonstrating that somet things are not logical and rational. Now parables often contain koans, for the purpose of parable is to tell a story even if the story is to demonstrate the folly of certain types of storytelling by using a koan.)

Edit: Do you take the blue pill? When the lightsaber effect does not work when it should during " | g " in a thread's title note "g does work in a thread's post.

Or do you take the red pill instead of the blue pill? My doctor and my pharmacist say take the blue pill to treat lightsaber problems. But the sexy black man with sunglasses and the trench coat says this.

After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth.

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