Active Users:180 Time:18/05/2024 07:31:43 PM
*tease*, Let me guess you are a straight white man - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 10/04/2018 07:07:05 PM

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I mean, I realize it's that Rule 800 or whatever it's called, that if you can think of it, there's porn out there about it, but I really can't imagine someone getting off to, say, people popping pimples in videos, or someone assembling electronic equipment.

tease, Let me guess you are a straight white man

Monster Boyfriends are a "tale as old as time." There is a dewey decimial like system called the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Classification of Folk Tales (also similar systems that are older but more flawed). Well ATU 425 is the The Search for the Lost Husband, and ATU 425C is Beauty and the Beast where the husband is a monster or animal or hybrid creature but there are also other components for 425C.

Well there was a competitive linguist study which looked into many folktales that were classified under specific ATU numbers and 425C is probably 4,000 years old so not late bronze age but early bronze age. and the study itself here

And while monster boyfriends are not really my thing, I kind of understand why others are into this stuff.

But seriously how many dozens of Greek, Roman, and other Mediterranean stories involve Gods in the forms of animals impregnating women? Surely if Ovid wrote the Metamorphoses in today's society it would also include dinosaurs and the ravishing of men.

The real purpose of this response was instead to post Lindsay Ellis's video My Monster Boyfriend which looks at the history and evolution of film on the concept of the Monster and how there is a common trope in many of these monster stories about My Monster Boyfriend. Like most things Lindsay Ellis it is good .

My Monster Boyfriend

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