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The Ranch is in Hidden Valley to keep it safe from you all! *NM* aerocontrols Send a noteboard - 16/07/2018 09:18:29 PM

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A year or so ago I posted about the travesty that is pineapple on pizza. It has come to my attention that a far worse abomination has taken root in the cultural mainstream, one that makes fruit on pizza look like nothing more than a benign alternative.

I'm referring to the unspeakable practice of dipping one's pizza into - I struggle to even type this - RANCH DRESSING!

Dear God!

To begin with, ranch dressing is a disgusting product. The disagreeable fact that it is by far the biggest selling salad dressing in America merely proves that the average American is a Philistine. To defile pizza by dipping it into this loathsome condiment is a transgression that boggles the mind. It's bad enough that there are those who would do such a thing. But far worse are the restaurant owners who are willing participants in promulgating this practice. It's a crime against humanity.

I was somewhat dismayed to learn pineapple pizza had supporters among our members. But I will gladly overlook that food choice as opposed to this one. One can only hope that none would stoop to this level.

Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion.
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Screw politics. Let's get back to something far more important: Pizza! EDIT to add link - 16/07/2018 02:55:01 PM 742 Views
Aside from aesthetic considerations - 16/07/2018 04:05:38 PM 447 Views
Not a dressing guy - 16/07/2018 04:19:22 PM 409 Views
you are confusing me with others - 16/07/2018 05:00:49 PM 432 Views
It IS the water. Literatedog agrees. - 17/07/2018 01:02:39 PM 424 Views
Something something ... I live for Drama - 17/07/2018 05:56:51 PM 440 Views
Odd...I always thought it was the rats. *NM* - 17/07/2018 09:12:00 PM 223 Views
I love Hawaiian pizza. I have friends who do ranch on pizza. They are gross. *NM* - 16/07/2018 05:32:49 PM 206 Views
Yes. They are. - 16/07/2018 06:05:55 PM 391 Views
Don't think I've ever seen that around here. - 16/07/2018 06:58:22 PM 370 Views
Them's fightin' words. - 05/08/2018 08:27:48 PM 472 Views
I had wonderful bar food this week - 16/07/2018 08:26:45 PM 387 Views
Why? - 16/07/2018 08:32:55 PM 393 Views
Well - 16/07/2018 09:17:48 PM 407 Views
To my understanding she does not like "grass" - 16/07/2018 09:54:19 PM 385 Views
The Ranch is in Hidden Valley to keep it safe from you all! *NM* - 16/07/2018 09:18:29 PM 176 Views
So Pizza.... - 16/07/2018 11:53:07 PM 422 Views
Libertarian you're not, nope you are a capitalist swine *NM* - 17/07/2018 01:01:09 AM 185 Views
Roland is absolutely correct. - 17/07/2018 01:15:21 AM 409 Views
Ah, sounds gross. Don't let it near me *NM* - 17/07/2018 02:31:03 PM 198 Views

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