Active Users:186 Time:18/05/2024 06:48:06 AM
I'd rather hug a turd over someone who's gleeful a a sexual abuser becoming a Supreme Court Justice. - Edit 1

Before modification by fionwe1987 at 05/10/2018 05:51:26 AM

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The Left has always put their faith in central government to solve their problems, provide for their present and future, and protect them from the depredations of those who would despoil their dreams. And so when the evil Right proposed a Supreme Court Justice who would no doubt run roughshod over all the “rights” they hold dear, because that’s what they would do, they cried for a government agency to derail his nomination via an investigation that would doubtless reveal his perfidy. And so it came to pass. The FBI deigned to review the charges against the evil appointee.

Guess what happened. Exactly what we realists on the Right said would happen.

The FBI, after a five day investigative process (the Anita Hill investigation took 3), found nothing to corroborate the allegations.

Go figure.

But they didn’t interview the primary accuser!!

No. No they didn’t. They had hundreds of pages of her testimony to the Senate Judicial Committee along with hours of videotape. Criminal investigations tend to avoid replowing the same field a week or so after it was already done. The FBI also looks for the type of evidence that leads to Federal indictment and conviction. We already knew that didn’t exist. So what could a reasonable person possibly expect?

Evidently a conclusion they wanted. Much to their chagrin, that didn’t happen. How is this possible?

Must be a conspiracy. Trump and his flunky Attorney General (you know, the one he wants to fire) must have ordered the FBI to sandbag the investigation. That has to be it. Of course there’s no proof and all involved deny it because they’re lying and the proof has been destroyed or never existed because all such instructions were never in writing.

So just like the anti-vaxxers, the birthers, the 9/11 never happened and the moon landings were in New Mexico crews, Democrats have joined the tinfoil hat brigade.

Poor babies. It’s a terrible thing when someone sticks a hat pin into your most cherished balloons, isn’t it?

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