Active Users:270 Time:04/05/2024 05:14:15 AM
Yes the kids are not alright, but it is the elders who are the problem - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 29/11/2018 12:23:28 AM

I see and I hero hear you fellow Matt. (kept the spelling mistake for it was funny )

I am reminded how Microsoft consultants talk about how we have 5 generation of tech users in the business field. Aka this is not literal generations of people but just technology changes so fast that every 10 years or so how you do a process is fundamentally different and there is limits to trying to retrain the "youth" or the "elders." Now that I am 32 (33 in 3 months), the youth are coming and there ways are so alien to me. So "not efficient."

The reason why Microsoft pushes this 5 tech generations in the workplace narrative is supposedly they supposed to have all these cloud tools and multi device architecture to harmonize these things. They say this but my response is ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ... and I am the tech-nerd / lover

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