Active Users:270 Time:09/05/2024 12:41:55 AM
But - If you build it, they will come. Seems counterproductive then, no? - Edit 1

Before modification by The Shrike at 08/01/2019 07:41:55 PM

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Let's build it!

Sound be a fun speech and hysterical aftermath.

Anyway, most new illegal immigrants arrive by plane rather than by foot. Seems we would be better off funding some sort of national employer check database where every job required a valid SSN. Push the responsibility for hiring legal employees onto the employers.

Back to this Wall, however. I would like to see some sort of compromise solution put forward. Funding for the Wall in exchange for legalization of all the Dreamers (though without the chance for nominating anyone to come across to the US once they have permanent residency/citizenship).

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