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Before modification by Roland00 at 18/11/2019 05:53:26 PM

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My boomer generation blamed our parents for the racism of the 50's and the turmoil of the 60's. Now my parent's generation bears the sobriquet, "Greatest." As you get older, you realize that evil has always existed, that it takes many forms, that stamping out evil is like playing whack-a-mole because evil is resilient and will simply manifest in a different form, but we still try. Millennials and Generation Z will make their own mistakes that will piss off their children. They just don't know it yet.

and once people realize this truth you are faced with two choices.

Nihilistic Despair, where nothing matters and you lose joy.

Nihilistic Embrace, where you realize death is inevitable but why rush? We still have the power to create change in front of our eyes and in front of our arms. Thus embrace joy and find ways to create joy in this moment for if everything in this world is not property of the actors, but emergent between the tension of actors [ Aka dependent origination / dependent arising / Pratītyasamutpāda ] then the things we want to be in the universe we must instill and constantly reinstill and thus everything can be made a-new again. If we want justice, goodness, generosity, kindness in the universe we must engage the universe and bring it into being as a choice, as an act of will, as an investment, again and again, like a song we sing into the world that never ends.

The problem of evil is not the problem of its start or its end, but how we relate to it in this never ending dance, how we respond to it between the beat and counterbeat, between the note and the silence in between notes.


Shrugs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we are condemned to be free so we might as well make this world a better world, or choose to take joy in this world that is also pain.

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