Active Users:328 Time:15/05/2024 12:37:40 PM
Even Star Trek's future is flawed. How do you appraise/value a view? - Edit 1

Before modification by The Shrike at 25/08/2020 01:02:40 PM

If we have to go full societal reset here - lets get sorted out what needs to go, what we all want to go, and what needs to stay (by majority necessity) and get started already. I am tired of waiting for society to get its collective mind made up and slowly enact "change" - and no, I don't mean the political poster rhetorical Bullshit kind of change - I mean where we end up with mega-cities, full on modern high-speed travel and a level playing field for getting rid of money completely - I want my Federation of Plants god-dammit!

Thanks if you bothered reading that rant ... I now return you to the non-kookoo for cocoa-puffs channel.

-Tom C.

P.S. The "let's" in the title is let-us (lest you believe I am losing my apostrophic bent.

Elon Musk is working on your high speed travel. Asia has your mega cities - but no thanks, I'll take some European cities instead. And Sweden, as usual, is leading the way with getting rid of money.

Sweden. First ABBA. Now no cash. I love Sweden.

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