Active Users:215 Time:06/05/2024 03:38:46 PM
Edit: forget about it - Edit 1

Before modification by AgentApple at 09/11/2020 09:14:51 AM

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View original postTrump was openly pro Israel and not just in words but also in deeds. The Democrats are not pro Israel and some factions are very much anti Israel. What incentive do the Arabs have to continue down the road to peace started in the last 6 months, now that they will have a more sympathetic ear in the White House?

View original postI haven't seen any progress on the road to peace. If you're referring to the normalization of relations with the Gulf States, how does that contribute in any way to actually resolving the issue between Israel and Palestine? It neither improved the Palestinians' position, nor increased Israel's security.

View original postStill, Netanyahu probably will indeed regret having behaved so sycophantically towards Trump and having unnecessarily antagonized the Democrats - I'm inclined to say there was a time when he would've known better, but lately it seems his arrogance clouds his better judgement, on that and on many other issues.

What would be the road in your opinion ? Just land for peace 67 borders with land swaps to adjust for population centers ? That has been tried by Barak and Olmert not to mention Oslo. Every time it gets close the Palestinian leadership suddenly remembers they will never let go of the Right to Return. Even when Obama pressured Netanyahu, Abbas could not bring himself to say Israel is the Jewish state.

Maybe if they don't feel like all the Arab world is in their pocket they will relent. Or maybe if more Arab countries were to normalize relations they would offer citizenship to the grandchildren of (alleged) refugees so these poor people would stop being a living demographics bomb.

By the way, these last years have been as peaceful as can be.

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