Active Users:284 Time:10/05/2024 06:51:20 PM
Re: On restrictions... - Edit 1

Before modification by AgentApple at 15/12/2020 08:54:40 AM

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But I also see the other side. It’s bullshit that restaurants can’t have indoor customers but airplanes can carry passengers sealed in an aluminum tube with a recycled air supply.

A <I>filtered</I> air supply. I absolutely don't think restaurants and small businesses don't matter. But you can't have the same solution for aircrafts that you do for restaurants. They're highly different in terms of how the virus can spread. For restaurants, I think we could have managed with 25% capacity, compulsory masks, and small businesses aid given in regular doses.

<Quote>It’s bullshit that 20,000 people can assemble to protest but no more than 10 can go to church.

Hardly. The protests weren't indoor, as far as I know. And we seem to have been saved from major super spreader protests by a high proportion of mask wearing. I certainly think there's some BS in arguing every church can only host 10 congregants. It should be based on the size of the church, it's capacity, and accompanied by compulsory mask wearing to minimize risk.
It’s these arbitrary and illogical restrictions that make people think that the whole thing is bullshit.

I really don't understand how one follows the other. If a moron decides that the solution to a fire is to throw gasoline on it, do you disbelieve the fire exists?
I feel like I have lost one year of my life at a time when I don’t have any to spare. We can do much better than this. But will we?

I'm sorry about that. It's truly awful. My grandfather is 93, and he pretty much completely lost his vision during the last year. So he's seen us for the last time and we had no way to go be with him while he went through this.

It's awful that the toll isn't just in lives lost or damaged physically. The psychological scars are huge, and those know no age restriction.

I saw some of the pictures of those protests. Those 20000 were packed. Masks go only so far, social distancing is a big part of preventing spread. I saw a lot of mocking on IG of people going to the beach in Florida, but for myself I would be less worried of catching the virus on the beach than in a protest, even if everyone wore a mask. By the way, those masks need to be replaced every few hours, or washed for those who use the cloth ones.
You could argue that the protest is important enough that even if the virus spreads it would be worth it and I'll not argue with that.
But in the current political climate no one would dare question the claims the protests do not spread the virus. I did see though some left wing media outlets refer to Trump's rallies as super-spreader rallies, even though they too were in the open air and people wore masks. I would guess Trump's rallies were also shorter since people gathered to hear the man speak and went home. Protests don't always have a definitive end point.

In Israel during the lockdowns there also was special permission to protest. I could not go play tennis which is as safe a sport as can be but if I said I'm going to protest then that's fine. Restaurants couldn't open but synagogues could because they have more political clout. That kind of stuff makes you feel decisions are arbitrary.
So regarding your fire and gasoline, if the person also said we need to chop off your thumb, you can still believe there's a fire but maybe you'll take your chance with the fire.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very careful and haven't hugged my parents for a year. But I'm lucky in that my profession was minimally scathed. Who says making a 40 year old with dependents unemployable or collapsing a family business or even a billionaire's hotel chain is less terrible than twenty 80 year olds losing 2 years of their life ? Its these situation which make me happy I don't have to make these decisions.

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