1930s Pulp Novel: "Nothing is True; Everything is Permitted" thus
Roland00 Send a noteboard - 05/01/2021 03:38:47 AM

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Please send photographic proof of your possession of the votes, along with reasonable or unreasonable cash demands for the same. All demands will be met with an affirmative, and you will be required to part with your votes on the strength of the word of President Trump, who is widely renowned for keeping his word and promptly paying his bills.
Please send photographic proof of your possession of the votes, along with reasonable or unreasonable cash demands for the same. All demands will be met with an affirmative, and you will be required to part with your votes on the strength of the word of President Trump, who is widely renowned for keeping his word and promptly paying his bills.
Also, can I get a 10% cut for bringing this information to you? I'm starting a fund to remix (ie shred) the Constitution, since it is so meaningless in it's current form.
Anyone have 11,780 votes in their pockets? I know a buyer who is interested
04/01/2021 09:04:18 PM
1930s Pulp Novel: "Nothing is True; Everything is Permitted" thus
05/01/2021 03:38:47 AM

I ate some cheap hot dogs 15 minutes ago, and it is the best I felt all day.
05/01/2021 03:39:29 AM