Active Users:322 Time:05/05/2024 02:43:39 AM
When one can't disavowal, one does both-sides, all at it should be ... perfectly-balanced - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 07/01/2021 02:36:19 AM

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Yeah sure. That'll change reality.

I'm sure it will be exactly as effective as burning down a Target will effect police reforms.
I wonder if the same arsemouths who were inhaling smelling salts about riots this summer will unequivocally condemn the violence and rioting at the Capitol today, and the clear unambiguous instigator, the soon-to-be-former President.

I wonder if the same shit-for-brains who were standing up to exactly no one with any real power defending the right of the "protestors" to kill and injure people and commit widespread destruction of private property will unequivocally stand up for the right of people on both sides of the spectrum to demonstrate their dissatisfaction.
Actually, no. I don't wonder. If the past 4 years have taught us anything, it is that anything goes, in the name of keeping Trump in power so that he can advance whatever part of the conservative said arsemouths supports.

Cue the replies proving my point...

If the past 4 years have taught us anything, it is that anything goes, in the name of taking down Trump.

This is not a fraction of what Democrats did during the inauguration last cycle.

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