Active Users:243 Time:06/05/2024 05:01:13 PM
The NY Times editorials bemoaned Joe Manchin holding Biden’s climate agenda in his hands… - Edit 1

Before modification by damookster at 20/09/2021 01:43:45 PM

when he might personally profit from the continued use of coal. As if this was his primary reason for opposing the “infrastructure “ bill.

Ummm, he is the Senior Senator from West Virginia. Surprisingly, West Virginia is known primarily as a coal producing state. Is it even remotely possible the esteemed Senator is voting the way his constituents want him to vote? Like, you know, every other member of Congress?

As to his personal finances, how shocking and unusual that as a West Virginian, he might have invested in coal. Maybe even prior to seeking national office. He must be unique, amirite?

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