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Ugh damookster Send a noteboard - 14/04/2022 11:31:52 PM

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I've been stacking up mid-game experiences lately:
1. Getting my first mortgage. Talking with mortgage counselors, contractors, lawyers and other grown up people.

Considerably more painful than two hours of oral surgery and a few days discomfort.

2. My eyes have weakened, I guess. Now I need reading glasses. But mostly they don't move around as smoothly as before unless I focus on letting the eye muscles relax.

Ah, the joys of aging. I've been wearing no-line bifocals for over 15 years.

3. Almost all new pop music sounds bad. Just bad.

I've felt this way since the 90s ended.

4. I play tennis with a cop, which sounds like the premise for a Seinfeld episode.

Who wins?



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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Oral surgery does not rank high on my list of fun experiences. - 14/04/2022 07:29:27 PM 134 Views
Well, that is an experience none the less - 14/04/2022 08:42:09 PM 108 Views
Ugh - 14/04/2022 11:31:52 PM 86 Views
I remember removing a wisdom tooth, certainly no fun - 15/04/2022 09:14:51 PM 111 Views

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