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Of course Roland00 Send a noteboard - 22/04/2022 11:15:36 PM

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Due to the ongoing drought in the western US, it is a very real possibility that Glen Canyon Damn will no longer be able to generate hydroelectric power as early as 2023. Hoover damn may not be far behind. Both damns provide "renewable" electricity to CA.

Technology is both transparent and not transparent and it alternates between the two when we see it and not see it.

Human production, human ingenuity will always need to be responding to the crises of the day. (I hate how crisis is plural in English)

We need to do more but we have the humans who want to work, who want to be employed, who want to get paid, and we have the technology to do it, and we also have the money to fund the work. It is just a puzzle problem (no matter how artificial) of getting this necessary components to the right places. It is a "social" problem but hey we live in a society

I like my electricity and my air condition even though the weather in Houston is so fabulous right now in the month of March and April.

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Cold Fusion in California. - 22/04/2022 04:14:51 AM 182 Views
Well that number may soon take a hit as the colorado river continues to dry up. - 22/04/2022 05:55:41 PM 120 Views
Of course - 22/04/2022 11:15:36 PM 79 Views

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