Active Users:197 Time:02/06/2024 06:53:20 AM
I agree generally Dragonsoul Send a noteboard - 02/06/2022 03:44:21 PM

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The only good thing Disney has produced in the Star Wars universe is the Mandalorian (and maybe Rogue One). Everything else has been utter trash that destroys the storyline entirely and really damages iconic characters in a way they can never be rehabilitated.

I think they're both overrated. Rogue One's Vader fight scene seems like gratuitous, tacked-on fan service, and they don't earn the payoff of their characterization of Jynn. Come to think of it, I can't really think of any real characterization she has. She is presented as if she's this snarky, jaded outlaw, but she spends the whole movie talking about Hope and in one of her first scenes with agency, goes out of her way to protect a cute little kid. She basically one of those blank protagonists you can project anything on to. And the Leia double looked nothing like her. Also, for a battle that was described in the opening crawl to Ep IV as the rebel ships winning their first victory against the Empire, it didn't look like much of a win.

The Mandalorian is pure fluff with dubiously executed fight scenes that don't really stand up when you think about them twice, and, like Rogue One, a character that really isn't established at the starting point they claim, skipping ahead all too quickly to hero mode.

So I agree generally with what you're saying - Rogue One wasn't really that good and I especially agree about the depiction of Vader. Then again, after everything in the prequels and the long and drawn out lightsaber fights, everything Vader does in the original trilogy looks weak and tired - so I guess they had to throw in a "Vader being cool" moment to match what came before. I agree too about the continuity - Disney seems Hell bent on destroying the continuity of the Lucas Star Wars films with useless filler that messes up the plots of the Lucas films.

And saying Rogue One was "good" is solely in comparison to what else Disney has pumped out - and I was vastly more entertained by Rogue One than anything else except the Mandalorian, which I enjoyed because it seemed like they were going for a Firefly sci-fi western, which I liked. I agree with you about the fight scenes in some cases - the last one of season one particularly comes to mind - but I also think that's part of the fun of a western. 3:10 to Yuma was great for that reason too - insane fight scenes that wouldn't hold up to any scrutiny but were nevertheless fun to watch.

Can't say the same about the Obi Wan fight with Vader on his show, or any of the Rey trilogy. None of them were really that good or entertaining.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi episode III - 02/06/2022 01:49:43 AM 154 Views
The Vader-Obi Wan fight was trash. - 02/06/2022 05:25:52 AM 83 Views
Re: The Vader-Obi Wan fight was trash. - 02/06/2022 05:37:05 AM 112 Views
I agree generally - 02/06/2022 03:44:21 PM 86 Views

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