Active Users:331 Time:04/05/2024 08:22:37 PM
Reading comprehension: - Edit 1

Before modification by aerocontrols at 14/09/2022 11:54:22 PM

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The bolded part is the part Mookie didn't write, that you just made up.

What he implied is that the hosts shouldn't lie about him.

They didn't lie, though. It's one thing to say "a meal without meat doesn't work for me". That makes it clear you're aware this is your preference (though how and where you say it can matter anyway). It's different to say "how dare you not feed me what I want". That is, in fact, implying that said person thinks anything other than the meat he prefers is inferior or somehow unacceptable. Not sure what the issue is with them calling that out.

Please put quotes around things you're actually quoting, instead of making things up. (again!)

Lies like this:

The hosts are angry and post about their hurt feelings on social media. You are all anti-vegan, anti-animal rights, and climate change science deniers

Understand now?

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